// Import the data electrondensity = Import("watermolecule"); // Partition the data electrondensity = Partition(electrondensity); // Create an isosurface at a value of 0.3 isosurface = Isosurface(electrondensity,0.3); // Color the front faces of the isosurface "medium goldenrod" isosurface = Color(isosurface, "medium goldenrod", component = "front colors"); // Use the Options module to set the "back specular" property to 0, // and the "front shininess" property to 15 isosurface = Options(isosurface, "back specular", 0, "front shininess", 15); // set the camera using azimuth 65 degrees, elevation 5 degrees, // distance 10 from = Direction(65, 5, 10); camera = AutoCamera(isosurface,from); // Use ClipPlane to clip open the isosurface clippediso = ClipPlane(isosurface); // Display the result Display(clippediso,camera);