// Construct a line with positions (x values) and data (y values) line1 = Construct({[0.0][1.0][2.0][3.0]}, data = {0, 1, 4, 9}); // Color the line yellow line1 = Color(line1, "yellow"); // Give the line a label attribute for the legend line1 = Options(line1,"label", "x squared"); // Construct a line with positions (x values) and data (y values) line2 = Construct({[0.0][1.0][2.0][3.0]}, data = {0, 1, 8, 27}); // Color the line red line2 = Color(line2,"red"); // Give the line a label attribute for the legend line2 = Options(line2,"label", "x cubed"); // Collect the lines together and scale them in the y dimension lines = Collect(line1, line2); lines = Scale(lines,[1.0 0.1 1.0]); // Create the plot plot = Plot(lines, adjust = 1, ticks = 15); // Create a camera and display the plot camera = AutoCamera(plot); Display(plot,camera); // Construct a line with positions line = Construct({[0.0][1.0][2.0][3.0][4.0][5.0][6.0][7.0][8.0][9.0]}); // Refine the line by a factor of 8 (2 to the third power) line = Refine(line,3); // copy the positions into the data component line = Replace(line,line,"positions","data"); // let the data component be x * sin(x) line = Compute("$0 * sin($0)", line); // color the line line = AutoColor(line); // plot the result and display plot = Plot(line); caption = Caption("x times sin(x)"); collected = Collect(caption,plot); camera = AutoCamera(plot); Display(collected,camera); // post the data so that the data values and colors // are dependent on connections rather than positions. line = Post(line,"connections"); // plot the result and display plot = Plot(line); caption = Caption("x times sin(x), with data dependent on connections"); collected = Collect(caption,plot); camera = AutoCamera(plot); Display(collected,camera); // create a histogram of a data set. "function" is the first of // two data fields in the file. Plot the histogram. data = Import("hyper"); data = Select(data,0); hist = Histogram (data); // There are many samples per bin. Use Scale to change the aspect ratio // of the plot. hist = Scale(hist,[100, 1, 1]); plot = Plot(hist, ticks = {5 10}); caption = Caption("histogram of hyper data field"); collected = Collect(plot, caption); camera = AutoCamera(plot); Display(collected,camera);