input = Import("CO2.general",format="general"); frame17 = Select(input,17); glyphs = AutoGlyph(frame17, scale=.5); glyphs = Color(glyphs,"dim grey"); // force the glyphs to lie in front of the connected grid with a 2 pixel offset glyphs = Options(glyphs,"fuzz",2); grid = Construct([-100 -170], deltas = [10, 10], counts=[19, 34]); camera = AutoCamera(grid); connected = Regrid(frame17, grid); colored = AutoColor(connected); caption = Caption("default Regrid options", [.01 .99]); collected = Collect(colored, glyphs, caption); Display(collected,camera); connected = Regrid(frame17, grid, radius=15); colored = AutoColor(connected); caption = Caption("Regrid with radius set to 15", [.01 .99]); collected = Collect(colored,glyphs,caption); Display(collected,camera); connected = Regrid(frame17, grid, radius=45); colored = AutoColor(connected); caption = Caption("Regrid with radius set to 45", [.01 .99]); collected = Collect(colored,glyphs,caption); Display(collected,camera); connected = Regrid(frame17, grid, nearest=4, radius=45); colored = AutoColor(connected); caption = Caption("Regrid with radius set to 45, nearest set to 4", [.01 .99]); collected = Collect(colored,glyphs,caption); Display(collected,camera);