// Import the data electrondensity = Import("watermolecule"); // Partition the data electrondensity = Partition(electrondensity); // Create an isosurface at a value of 0.3 isosurface = Isosurface(electrondensity,0.3); // Create four camera, looking at the isosurface from four different // directions camera1 = AutoCamera(isosurface,"front",resolution=320); camera2 = AutoCamera(isosurface,"top",resolution=320); camera3 = AutoCamera(isosurface,"left",resolution=320); camera4 = AutoCamera(isosurface,"diagonal",resolution=320); // Create four images, using the four cameras image1 = Render(isosurface,camera1); image2 = Render(isosurface,camera2); image3 = Render(isosurface,camera3); image4 = Render(isosurface,camera4); // Collect the four images together, and arrange them 2 to a row object = Collect(image1,image2,image3,image4); arranged = Arrange(object,2); // Display the result Display(arranged); // Create a new camera camera = AutoCamera(isosurface); // Create a new image using the new camera image = Render(isosurface,camera); // Display the image Display(image); // Filter the image using the laplacian filter filtered = Filter(image,"laplacian","colors"); // Display the result Display(filtered); // NOTE: unless you are planning to manipulate the image as we have done // in these examples, it is usually more efficient to use the Display // module alone, as in // Display(object,camera);