// Import the electron density field electrondensity = Import("watermolecule"); // create a camera camera = AutoCamera(electrondensity,resolution=300,aspect=1,width=2.5); // This macro creates an isosurface at the given isovalue, creates a caption // for the image, and writes an image to a file. The System module is used // to compress the image before going on to write the next one. macro makeiso(isoval) { isosurface = Isosurface(electrondensity, isoval); caption = Format("isoval = %g",isoval); caption = Caption(caption); imagename = Format("iso%4.2f.rgb",isoval); collected = Collect(caption,isosurface); image = Render(collected,camera); Display(image); WriteImage(image,imagename,frame=0); command = Format("compress %s",imagename); System(command); } makeiso(0.1); makeiso(0.3);