// Import the data electrondensity = Import("watermolecule"); // Partition the data electrondensity = Partition(electrondensity); // Compute the gradient gradient = Gradient(electrondensity); // Create a camera camera = AutoCamera(electrondensity,"off-front"); // Make about 10 samples starts = Sample(electrondensity, 10); // Compute the divergence and curl div,curl = DivCurl(gradient); // Create streamlines using the samples as starting points // Use the curl field to make the tubes twist lines = Streamline(gradient, starts,curl=curl); // Map the original field onto the lines streamlinesmapped = Map(lines,electrondensity); // Color the lines colored = AutoColor(streamlinesmapped); // Turn the colored lines into colored tubes, with a diameter of 0.4 // in world coordinates, and three sides tubes = Tube(colored,diameter=0.4,ngon=3); Display(tubes,camera);