// Import two fields, a scalar field and a vector field group = Import("hyper"); scalarfield = Select(group,0); vectorfield = Select(group,1); // Create a camera camera = AutoCamera(scalarfield,"off-left",width=10,resolution=400); // Create a streamline based on the starting point [3,3,0.1] streamline = Streamline(vectorfield,[3,3,0.1]); // Map the scalar data onto the streamline mappedline = Map(streamline,scalarfield); // Color the line based on the data values. Set range=1 for one // complete trip around the color wheel coloredline = AutoColor(mappedline,range=1); // Turn the colored line into a tube tube = Tube(coloredline,diameter=1.5,ngon=15); // Create an image image1 = Render(tube,camera); // This time create a tube directly from the streamline tube = Tube(streamline,diameter=1.5,ngon=15); // Map the data onto the tube mappedtube = Map(tube,scalarfield); // Color the tube coloredtube = AutoColor(mappedtube,range=1); // Create another image image2 = Render(coloredtube,camera); // Collect the images together and arrange them one over the other combined = Collect(image1,image2); combined = Arrange(combined,1); // Display Display(combined);