function draw()
	// you are going to add your own code here, like this:

//--------------- Don't Worry About Anything Below Here! -----------------
function setup()
  createCanvas(400, 400);     // drawing area size
  TurtleX = 0;                // center of screen
  TurtleY = 0;                // center of screen
  TurtleAngle = 0;            // to the right
  background( 230, 230, 230 );  // light gray
  stroke( 0, 0, 0 );         // black lines
  noLoop( );

// move the turtle forwards:
function F( distance )
  var angle = radians( TurtleAngle);
  var newx = TurtleX + distance*cos( angle );
  var newy = TurtleY + distance*sin( angle );
  line(  TurtleX+width/2, height-(TurtleY+height/2),
         newx+width/2,    height-(newy+height/2) );
  TurtleX = newx;
  TurtleY = newy;

// move the turtle backwards:
function B( distance )
  F( -distance );

// rotate the turtle to the right:
function R( degs )
  TurtleAngle = TurtleAngle - degs;

// rotate the turtle to the left
function L( degs )
  R( -degs );

// set the color to (r,g,b): 0-255
function C( r, g, b )
  stroke( r, g, b );

// set the line width:
function W( wide )
  strokeWeight( wide );

// snowflake branch:
function Branch( b )
  F( b );
  R( 45 );
  F( b/2 );
  //Branch( b/2 );
  B( b/2 );
  L( 90 );
  F( b/2 );
  //Branch( b/2 );
  B( b/2 );
  R( 45 );
  B( b );

function Snowflake( length )
  for( var b = 0; b < 6; b = b + 1)
    F( length );
    R( 45 );
    Branch( length/2 );
    L( 90 );
    Branch( length/2 );
    R( 45 );
    B( length );
    L( 60 );

var TurtleX;        // where is the turtle horizontally?
                    //        (0 = in the center)
var TurtleY;        // where is the turtle vertically?
                    //        (0 = in the center)
var TurtleAngle;    // where is the turtle heading?
                    //        (0 = to the right)