This is an important step to obtain access to tsmc 0.18um pdk for the class

To access tsmc 0.18um pdk, mosis requires all the users to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Please print a copy of the MOSIS NDA form, sign and submit to Prof. Moon to be added to the pdk user list.


If you want to use your design in other schematics, you need to create a symbol for it.
This is equivalent to the use of subcircuits in HSPICE. It gives a hierarchy to your project, making it easier to organize.

Creating a new symbol

First, in your schematic, remove any superfluous components that you have used in the previous example for the simulation (vdc for the power supply and for the input signal). These components will be defined again later.

Assign input and output pins (if you have not already done so): The schematic will look like this:
Simple inverting amplifier
Figure 1: Inverter schematic with pins.
As a side comment, note that the net names changed and have now the same name as the pins. There are other ways to name the nets. You can find more about it in the FAQ.

Next, create the symbol: A new window will open with the symbol view. By default, the symbol shape is a rectangle, but we can change it. Since this design is an inverter, we will draw a triangle and put a small circle at the output. To do this, use: You will want to delete the green rectangle, draw the new shape, and move the terminals to new positions. The editing commands are similar to what you had for the schematic window.

You will also need to change the Selection box (the red rectangle), which defines the limits of the symbol. This can be done automatically by: Don't forget to check and save. The symbol may now look like this:
Figure 2: Inverter symbol.
You can now close the Symbol Editing window. It wont be necessary anymore.

Using the symbol in other schematics

Create a new schematic, using the instructions described in Create a new cell. Give a name such as test_inverter.
You place this symbol in the new schematic in the same way that you placed any other components, with: Now, you can define power supplies in the new schematic. If you place new vdd and gnd components, they will be implicitly connected to the correspondent vdd and gnd components that are inside the inverter.
For simulation, you can connect a 'vdc' to the input terminal of the inverter, and a capacitor at the output terminal.
Here is an example of a possible setup:

Figure 3: Using the inverter symbol in a new schematic.
To move in the hierarchy, select the inverter, and then: To return to the previous schematic, use: