
  1. Evgenia Chunikhina

  2. Hanzhong Xu

  3. Farzad Zafarani, Asymmetric Traveling Salesman

  4. Meng Meng, Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree

  5. Mohammad Ghane Ezabadi, Finding optimal routes for several freight loads in a hub based logistics network with non-linear cost

  6. Teresa Tjahja, Graph-based Segment Selection for Bird Song Syllables

  7. Hao Wang, Dynamic Planar Nearest Neighbors

  8. Yueting Zhu, Euclidean minimum spanning tree (MST)

  9. Yuxi Ren, Euclidean Shortest Paths

  10. Xu Xu, Homeomorphic Surface Reconstruction

  11. Spencer Hubbard, Stack and Queue Numbers of Graphs

  12. Tanjin Xu, Network motifs detection and its applications

  13. Lei Wang

  14. Travis Moore

  15. Dajun Kong, Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree

  16. Jeff Juozapaitis, Heuristically Pruning Probabilistic Search Trees

  17. Zahra Iman, Algorithmic graph solution for the problem of photograph enhancement

  18. Xinyang Chen, Shortest paths in line arrangements

  19. Godfrey Yeung, Existence of a Doubled Out-Degree in any Squared Oriented Graph

  20. Eric Zubriski, Building Wiring Problem