Python Setup, Guides, and Utilities

Scripting language

Getting Started

Download the latest version of Python from here. Depending on the packages you need to use, you may instead choose to use an earlier version, which you can get from the same link.

Once the installer has been downloaded, run it, and when available, make sure the checkbox to set Python in your PATH is checked. Otherwise, leave the installer settings as defualts.

Running the Python installer

More text.

Using PyPi for Package Management

PyPi, or pip as it is called by its command call, is a routine for managing python package versions, updates, and installations. It's a powerful tool that is used in conjunction with virtual environments to make sandboxed development spaces, where you can easily capture all your system requirements for easy porting and setup on other systems.

Sandboxed Virtual Environments with Venv

This assumes you are using some flavor of Python 3 and a bash shell command line environment. You can check your version with python --version. It additionally assumes that your python command is python as opposed to python3.

  1. Navigate to the respository folder, then create your virtual environment with python -m venv ./venv
  2. Once complete activate your environment with source ./venv/Scripts/activate
  3. Install the requirements once activated with pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. If you install any additional libraries, update the requirements with pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  5. Exit the virtual environment with deactivate

Utility Packages

This is a directory for me of useful Python packages providing specific utility.

Cool Packages

This is a directory for me of odd Python packages I like using or want to use that doesn't have another home.