CS430 Class Project: What to Turn in
We will test your spam filter by training it on a set of email
messages and then testing it on additional email messages.
Please provide the following information when you turn in your spam
- Source code for the program
- Makefile (or compilation instructions) for compiling the run-time
- Any additional files that the program requires (e.g., files
containing the counts you have collected during training)
- Instructions on how to run the program.
- The program should be executable from the command line
- The program should read an email message from standard input and
either train on it (if it contains a special header, "X-SPAM-LABEL:")
or classify it (if it does not).
- Instructions on how to set the false positive/false negative
tradeoff parameter
- A 1-2 page description of the features that you are using in your
spam filter.
- Email all of this information (with attachments for the various
files) to Hongli Deng by 9:30am
December 8.
The evaluation process:
- The program will be executed on approximately 1000
email messages.
- We will execute it using 2 different settings of your false
positive/false negative tradeoff parameter.