For J48, set the "unpruned" option to True. You can use the default settings for all other parameters of J48, NaiveBayesSimple, and Logistic Regression. Optional: Rerun the experiments with pruning turned on and see if it makes any difference.
In addition to running Bagging and AdaBoostM1, you should rerun a single decision tree, a single Naive Bayes, and a single logistic regression.
, hw2-2
, and br
However, we will not construct learning curves this time. Instead, you should just train
on the following three files:
Domain Training Data File Test Data File BR br-train.arff br-test.arff hw2-1 hw2-1-200.arff hw2-1-test.arff hw2-2 hw2-2-200.arff hw2-2-test.arff
hw2-1: Base learner Single Bagging Boosting J48 xxx yyy zzz Logistic xxx yyy zzz NaiveBayes xxx yyy zzz hw2-2: Base learner Single Bagging Boosting J48 xxx yyy zzz Logistic xxx yyy zzz NaiveBayes xxx yyy zzz br: Base learner Single Bagging Boosting J48 xxx yyy zzz Logistic xxx yyy zzz NaiveBayes xxx yyy zzzWhere
gives the error rate of a single classifier of the indicated Base
Learning, yyy
gives the error rate of a bagging (30 iterations), and
gives the error rate of AdaboostM1 (maximum 30 iterations).