Preparation for SPI Inclass work For next time's class on SPI... You must mount the bar graph display on the front Plexiglas panel and wire the display to connect to the SPI port to do this inclass assignment. There are just a few connections to be made and you will need them in later labs. Therefore, create a good, solid mechanical setup and make clean solder joints. You may need to remove the panel later for debugging so leave yourself a little slack in the wires. If you wisely used a ribbon connector at the mega128 PORTB port, you will already have the PORTB pins at the front panel where you need to make the connections. Remember, check twice, or three times, then solder once. Connections to be made: Bargraph board mega128 -------------- -------------------- reglck PORTB bit 0 (SS_n) srclk PORTB bit 1 (sclk) sdin PORTB bit 2 (mosi) oe_n ground (ground on protoboard for now but later, we will connect this to PORTB bit 7 to allow dimming of the bar graph display) gnd ground (ground on protoboard) vdd vcc (vcc on any port or on another board on the front panel) sd_out no connect Boards without properly mounted bar graph displays will not be eligible or credit. Boards connected only with jumper wires are not acceptable.