Inclass_steps part 2 login to Linux machine such as flip.engr go to your working area: "cd scratch" for help on vi, see: If you haven't already, create a synthesis (TCL) script with your editor called syn_script. In it, put the following: read_sverilog compile report_timing report_area write -format verilog -hierarchy -output fadder.gate.v #quit! Make sure you still do not have "compile_ultra" in your script from last time. Set the command back to simply "compile" Invoke the synthesis tool: design_vision-xg -f syn_script It will read the TCL script we just wrote and synthesize the circuit and produce the reports. Look at the synthesized design by clicking the gate symbol near the top of the window under the View pulldown. In the transcript, read the information produced about the size of the design and its delays and look at the schematic. You can see the information produced in the invoking window or within the tool gui. Look at the number and type of cells used by typing report_cell in the command window. The combinatorial area is referenced to the size (um^2) of a 2-input NAND cell The library at: on page 34 gives the area of a NAND2X1 to be 5.53 um^2. Dividing our design area by 5.53 gives the equivalent gate count of the design. Quit the synthesis tool. Using "vi" or "view" or "less", look at the new verilog file (fadder.gate.v) created by synthesis. What is different about this file and the one you originally wrote? Go get the script, if you don't already have it: wget Look at comp_lib script. What is going on? What files exist at the location that synop_lib is being set to? (see below) ---> Efficiently traverse directories by using "pushd"and "popd": Instead of : cd , execute, pushd This pushes the current directory to a stack. When you are done at new_directory, execute, popd and you are back where you initially started. ---> What is in the files at the location: /nfs/guille/a1/cadlibs/synop_lib/SAED_EDK90nm/Digital_Standard_Cell_Library/verilog Why is the second step (vlog) taken in the script? Compile cell library into work using Compile the new image of the design (fadder.gate.v) and re-simulate. Note gate delays that are visible. Recap steps: why and when were things done?