Download the files:,,, and block_diagram.pdf from Using the given block diagram and the module description for logic_blk, ram and counter, fill out and complete the skeleton code in When you are done, write a script that compiles all the files bottom up and remove any errors. Of course you must create a work directory first with: "vlib work". Once you have done this create a makefile to mantain your files. This is done with the tool vmake. Vmake works only on a compiled work directory. Thus you must compile all the files in your design once before you execute vmake. Vmake is run by typing: vmake > makefile The file makefile is used by the Linux make utility to recreate a design by recompiling only those files that need it when edits are made. After you have made the makefile, typing "touch" will update the timestamp of Typing make after that will cause make to recompile the design again to incorporate the (faked out) change.