# vsim lab5 # Start time: 14:23:59 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg do do.do # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(147): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 vlog *.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 14:29:52 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 bcd2_7seg.sv bcd_updn.sv bin2bcd.sv cntr_updn_14bit.sv debouncer.sv lab5.sv quad_decode.sv sine_rom.sv # -- Compiling module bcd2_7seg # -- Compiling module bcd_updn # -- Compiling module bin2bcd # -- Compiling module cntr_updn_14bit # -- Compiling module debouncer # -- Compiling module lab5 # -- Compiling module quad_decode # -- Compiling module sine_rom # # Top level modules: # bcd_updn # lab5 # End time: 14:29:52 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim -t ns lab5 # End time: 14:30:02 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:06:03 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 4 # vsim -t ns lab5 # Start time: 14:30:02 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg add wave -position insertpoint \ sim:/lab5/PWM_CYCLE \ sim:/lab5/FOUR_KHZ_CYCLE \ sim:/lab5/CLK16MHZCYCLE \ sim:/lab5/inclk0_sig \ sim:/lab5/encoder_a \ sim:/lab5/encoder_b \ sim:/lab5/segment_data \ sim:/lab5/sel0 \ sim:/lab5/sel1 \ sim:/lab5/sel2 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8_n \ sim:/lab5/pwm_output \ sim:/lab5/rom_data \ sim:/lab5/reset_n \ sim:/lab5/logic_one \ sim:/lab5/bcd_cnt_enable \ sim:/lab5/up_d_n \ sim:/lab5/cntr_14bit_out \ sim:/lab5/ones \ sim:/lab5/tens \ sim:/lab5/hundreds \ sim:/lab5/thousands \ sim:/lab5/digit_mux_out \ sim:/lab5/debounce_cnt \ sim:/lab5/digit_cnt \ sim:/lab5/rom_addr \ sim:/lab5/phase_accum_adder \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_a \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_b \ sim:/lab5/digit_clk \ sim:/lab5/pwm_clk \ sim:/lab5/clk_4khz \ sim:/lab5/clk_16mhz \ sim:/lab5/debounce_clk \ sim:/lab5/reset \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ns \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ps run 200 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(147): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 do do.do run 10 us run 1ms run 10 ms do do.do restart -f do do.do # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(147): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ns Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 vsim -t ps lab5 # End time: 14:36:10 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:06:08 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 8 # vsim -t ps lab5 # Start time: 14:36:10 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg add wave -position insertpoint \ sim:/lab5/encoder_a \ sim:/lab5/encoder_b \ sim:/lab5/segment_data \ sim:/lab5/sel0 \ sim:/lab5/sel1 \ sim:/lab5/sel2 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8_n \ sim:/lab5/pwm_output \ sim:/lab5/rom_data \ sim:/lab5/reset_n \ sim:/lab5/logic_one \ sim:/lab5/bcd_cnt_enable \ sim:/lab5/up_d_n \ sim:/lab5/cntr_14bit_out \ sim:/lab5/ones \ sim:/lab5/tens \ sim:/lab5/hundreds \ sim:/lab5/thousands \ sim:/lab5/digit_mux_out \ sim:/lab5/debounce_cnt \ sim:/lab5/digit_cnt \ sim:/lab5/rom_addr \ sim:/lab5/phase_accum_adder \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_a \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_b \ sim:/lab5/digit_clk \ sim:/lab5/pwm_clk \ sim:/lab5/clk_4khz \ sim:/lab5/clk_16mhz \ sim:/lab5/debounce_clk \ sim:/lab5/reset \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ns \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ps do do.do # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(147): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(130): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 run 10 ms force encoder_b 1 run 6 ms run 5 ms force encoder_a 0 run 6 ms force encoder_b 0 run 10 ms !vlog # vlog *.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 14:49:52 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 bcd2_7seg.sv bcd_updn.sv bin2bcd.sv cntr_updn_14bit.sv debouncer.sv lab5.sv quad_decode.sv sine_rom.sv # -- Compiling module bcd2_7seg # -- Compiling module bcd_updn # -- Compiling module bin2bcd # -- Compiling module cntr_updn_14bit # -- Compiling module debouncer # -- Compiling module lab5 # ** Error: (vlog-13069) lab5.sv(31): near "logic": syntax error, unexpected logic, expecting ';' or ','. # ** Error: lab5.sv(92): (vlog-2730) Undefined variable: 'rom_addr'. # -- Compiling module quad_decode # -- Compiling module sine_rom # End time: 14:49:52 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 2, Warnings: 0 # /home/traylor/altera_lite/15.1/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem/vlog failed. !vlog # vlog *.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 14:50:19 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 bcd2_7seg.sv bcd_updn.sv bin2bcd.sv cntr_updn_14bit.sv debouncer.sv lab5.sv quad_decode.sv sine_rom.sv # -- Compiling module bcd2_7seg # -- Compiling module bcd_updn # -- Compiling module bin2bcd # -- Compiling module cntr_updn_14bit # -- Compiling module debouncer # -- Compiling module lab5 # -- Compiling module quad_decode # -- Compiling module sine_rom # # Top level modules: # bcd_updn # lab5 # End time: 14:50:19 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim lab5.sv # OpenFile lab5.sv !vlog # vlog *.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 14:50:36 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 bcd2_7seg.sv bcd_updn.sv bin2bcd.sv cntr_updn_14bit.sv debouncer.sv lab5.sv quad_decode.sv sine_rom.sv # -- Compiling module bcd2_7seg # -- Compiling module bcd_updn # -- Compiling module bin2bcd # -- Compiling module cntr_updn_14bit # -- Compiling module debouncer # -- Compiling module lab5 # -- Compiling module quad_decode # -- Compiling module sine_rom # # Top level modules: # bcd_updn # lab5 # End time: 14:50:36 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim lab5 # End time: 14:50:42 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:14:32 # Errors: 3, Warnings: 4 # vsim lab5 # Start time: 14:50:42 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg add wave -position insertpoint \ sim:/lab5/PWM_CYCLE \ sim:/lab5/FOUR_KHZ_CYCLE \ sim:/lab5/CLK16MHZCYCLE \ sim:/lab5/inclk0_sig \ sim:/lab5/encoder_a \ sim:/lab5/encoder_b \ sim:/lab5/segment_data \ sim:/lab5/sel0 \ sim:/lab5/sel1 \ sim:/lab5/sel2 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8_n \ sim:/lab5/pwm_output \ sim:/lab5/rom_data \ sim:/lab5/reset_n \ sim:/lab5/logic_one \ sim:/lab5/bcd_cnt_enable \ sim:/lab5/up_d_n \ sim:/lab5/cntr_14bit_out \ sim:/lab5/ones \ sim:/lab5/tens \ sim:/lab5/hundreds \ sim:/lab5/thousands \ sim:/lab5/digit_mux_out \ sim:/lab5/debounce_cnt \ sim:/lab5/digit_cnt \ sim:/lab5/rom_addr_strict \ sim:/lab5/rom_addr \ sim:/lab5/phase_accum_adder \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_a \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_b \ sim:/lab5/digit_clk \ sim:/lab5/pwm_clk \ sim:/lab5/clk_4khz \ sim:/lab5/clk_16mhz \ sim:/lab5/debounce_clk \ sim:/lab5/reset \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ns \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ps do do.do # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(150): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 run 10 ms !vlog # vlog *.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 14:55:16 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 bcd2_7seg.sv bcd_updn.sv bin2bcd.sv cntr_updn_14bit.sv debouncer.sv lab5.sv quad_decode.sv sine_rom.sv # -- Compiling module bcd2_7seg # -- Compiling module bcd_updn # -- Compiling module bin2bcd # -- Compiling module cntr_updn_14bit # -- Compiling module debouncer # -- Compiling module lab5 # -- Compiling module quad_decode # -- Compiling module sine_rom # # Top level modules: # bcd_updn # lab5 # End time: 14:55:16 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim lab5 # End time: 14:55:23 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:04:41 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 4 # vsim lab5 # Start time: 14:55:23 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg # ** Warning: (vsim-3015) lab5.sv(90): [PCDPC] - Port size (11) does not match connection size (10) for port 'addr'. The port definition is at: sine_rom.sv(4). # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/sine_rom_0 File: sine_rom.sv do do.do # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(150): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 !vlog # vlog *.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 16:12:23 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 bcd2_7seg.sv bcd_updn.sv bin2bcd.sv cntr_updn_14bit.sv debouncer.sv lab5.sv quad_decode.sv sine_rom.sv # -- Compiling module bcd2_7seg # -- Compiling module bcd_updn # -- Compiling module bin2bcd # -- Compiling module cntr_updn_14bit # -- Compiling module debouncer # -- Compiling module lab5 # -- Compiling module quad_decode # -- Compiling module sine_rom # # Top level modules: # bcd_updn # lab5 # End time: 16:12:24 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:01 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim lab5 # End time: 16:12:32 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 1:17:09 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 5 # vsim lab5 # Start time: 16:12:32 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg # ** Warning: (vsim-3015) lab5.sv(90): [PCDPC] - Port size (11) does not match connection size (10) for port 'addr'. The port definition is at: sine_rom.sv(4). # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/sine_rom_0 File: sine_rom.sv vlog lab5.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 16:19:02 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 lab5.sv # -- Compiling module lab5 # # Top level modules: # lab5 # End time: 16:19:02 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim lab5 # End time: 16:19:12 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:06:40 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 1 # vsim lab5 # Start time: 16:19:12 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg vlog lab5.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 16:19:22 on May 05,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 lab5.sv # -- Compiling module lab5 # # Top level modules: # lab5 # End time: 16:19:22 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim lab5 # End time: 16:19:25 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:13 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 # vsim lab5 # Start time: 16:19:25 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg add wave -position insertpoint \ sim:/lab5/encoder_a \ sim:/lab5/encoder_b \ sim:/lab5/segment_data \ sim:/lab5/sel0 \ sim:/lab5/sel1 \ sim:/lab5/sel2 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8 \ sim:/lab5/enable3to8_n \ sim:/lab5/pwm_output \ sim:/lab5/rom_data \ sim:/lab5/reset_n \ sim:/lab5/logic_one \ sim:/lab5/bcd_cnt_enable \ sim:/lab5/up_d_n \ sim:/lab5/cntr_14bit_out \ sim:/lab5/ones \ sim:/lab5/tens \ sim:/lab5/hundreds \ sim:/lab5/thousands \ sim:/lab5/digit_mux_out \ sim:/lab5/debounce_cnt \ sim:/lab5/digit_cnt \ sim:/lab5/rom_addr_strict \ sim:/lab5/rom_addr \ sim:/lab5/phase_accum_adder \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_a \ sim:/lab5/clean_enc_b \ sim:/lab5/digit_clk \ sim:/lab5/pwm_clk \ sim:/lab5/clk_4khz \ sim:/lab5/clk_16mhz \ sim:/lab5/debounce_clk \ sim:/lab5/reset \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ns \ sim:/lab5/digit_seq_ps run 1 ms # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(150): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 do do.do run 5 ms add wave -position insertpoint \ sim:/lab5/rom_data run 20 ms run 200 ms run 500 ms !vsim # vsim lab5 # End time: 16:30:11 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:10:46 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 4 # vsim lab5 # Start time: 16:30:11 on May 05,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.lab5 # Loading work.debouncer # Loading work.quad_decode # Loading work.sine_rom # Loading work.cntr_updn_14bit # Loading work.bin2bcd # Loading work.bcd2_7seg do do.do # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(150): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) bcd2_7seg.sv(11): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /lab5/bcd2_7seg_0 # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) lab5.sv(133): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 1 Instance: /lab5 run 5 ms quit # End time: 16:32:43 on May 05,2016, Elapsed time: 0:02:32 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 4