# ERROR: No extended dataflow license exists # vsim uart_rcv # Start time: 14:44:19 on May 24,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.uart_rcv add wave \ sim:/uart_rcv/reset \ sim:/uart_rcv/baud_clk_16x \ sim:/uart_rcv/pc_serial_data_in \ sim:/uart_rcv/uart_output \ sim:/uart_rcv/data_bit \ sim:/uart_rcv/final_bit \ sim:/uart_rcv/bit_frame \ sim:/uart_rcv/sync_data \ sim:/uart_rcv/rx_shift_reg \ sim:/uart_rcv/bit_16x_cntr_ps \ sim:/uart_rcv/bit_16x_cntr_ns \ sim:/uart_rcv/rx_state_tracker_ps \ sim:/uart_rcv/rx_state_tracker_ns force -freeze sim:/uart_rcv/baud_clk_16x 1 0, 0 {50 ps} -r 100 force reset 1 force pc_serial_data_in 1 run 200 ns # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(72): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /uart_rcv # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(50): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /uart_rcv restart -f noforce sim:/uart_rcv/baud_clk_16x force -freeze sim:/uart_rcv/baud_clk_16x 1 0, 0 {50000 ps} -r {100 ns} run 200 ns # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(72): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /uart_rcv # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(50): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /uart_rcv # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(50): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 2 Instance: /uart_rcv # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(72): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 2 Instance: /uart_rcv force reset 1 force pc_serial_data_in 0 run 400 ns !vlog *.sv # no event matches "vlog" vlog uart_rcv.sv # Model Technology ModelSim ALTERA vlog 10.4b Compiler 2015.05 May 27 2015 # Start time: 14:52:35 on May 24,2016 # vlog -reportprogress 300 uart_rcv.sv # -- Compiling module uart_rcv # # Top level modules: # uart_rcv # End time: 14:52:35 on May 24,2016, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 vsim uart_rcv # End time: 14:52:41 on May 24,2016, Elapsed time: 0:08:22 # Errors: 1, Warnings: 6 # vsim uart_rcv # Start time: 14:52:41 on May 24,2016 # Loading sv_std.std # Loading work.uart_rcv # WARNING: No extended dataflow license exists add wave -position insertpoint \ sim:/uart_rcv/reset \ sim:/uart_rcv/baud_clk_16x \ sim:/uart_rcv/pc_serial_data_in \ sim:/uart_rcv/uart_output \ sim:/uart_rcv/data_bit \ sim:/uart_rcv/final_bit \ sim:/uart_rcv/bit_frame \ sim:/uart_rcv/sync_data \ sim:/uart_rcv/rx_shift_reg \ sim:/uart_rcv/bit_16x_cntr_ps \ sim:/uart_rcv/bit_16x_cntr_ns \ sim:/uart_rcv/rx_state_tracker_ps \ sim:/uart_rcv/rx_state_tracker_ns force -freeze sim:/uart_rcv/baud_clk_16x 1 0, 0 {50000 ps} -r {100 ns} force reset 1 force pc_serial_data_in 1 run 100 ns # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(72): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /uart_rcv # ** Warning: (vsim-8315) uart_rcv.sv(50): No condition is true in the unique/priority if/case statement. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /uart_rcv force reset 0 run 500 ns run 1000 ns force pc_serial_data_in 0 run 1600 ns force pc_serial_data_in 1 run 500 ns run 1100 ns force pc_serial_data_in 0 run 1600 ns force pc_serial_data_in 1 run 1600 ns run 1600 ns !29 # force pc_serial_data_in 0 !32 # run 1600 ns !31 # force pc_serial_data_in 1 !32 # run 1600 ns !32 # run 1600 ns !32 # run 1600 ns run 1000 ns run 1000 ns quit # End time: 15:04:30 on May 24,2016, Elapsed time: 0:11:49 # Errors: 0, Warnings: 3