Course Web Site:
Professor Irem Y. Tumer
Office: Rogers 408 Email: Phone: 737-6627 Web: Office Hours: Mondays &Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 or by appointment (made
by email) |
Class Hours:
Lectures (Rogers 230):
11:00-11:50, 12:00-12:50
Teaching Assistants:
TA for Morning Labs 1 & 2 |
TA for Afternoon Labs 3 & 4 |
VanBossuyt Office:
Batcheller 349 Email: Office
Hrs: M 10-11 and 2-3 |
Oman Office:
Batcheller 349 Email: Office
Hrs: W 1-3 |
Koopmans Office:
Batcheller 349 Email: Office
Hrs: T 2-4 |
Nix Office:
Dearborn 100 Email: Office
Hrs: T 12-2 |
Course Learning Outcomes:
successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Reverse engineer a real
product and analyze external forces
2. Select and apply an
appropriate static failure theory to a machine component
3. Select and apply an
appropriate dynamic (fatigue) failure theory to a machine component
4. Select mechanical components
for a given load situation and analyze for failure
5. Perform a competitive
analysis and provide insights on risk and reliability
6. Communicate analysis results
and basic engineering concepts
In ME 382 techniques to
develop original designs was emphasized.
The focus in ME 383 is on machine component analysis, specifically,
analysis techniques used to predict a componentŐs failure and/or factor of
safety. Reverse engineering of a product will be used as the vehicle for real
product analysis. Note that ME 316 is a prerequisite for this course, and as
such, it is assumed that you know this material well. If not, it is strongly recommended that you review the material
from ME 316 in the first week of the term!
ShigleyŐs Mechanical Engineering Design, 8th edition,
Budynas & Nisbett, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
MachineryŐs Handbook, 25th edition
Prerequisites: ME 316, ME 382
Student Conduct: See:
Accommodations are
collaborative efforts between students, faculty and Services for Students with
Disabilities (SSD). Students with accommodations approved through SSD are
responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course prior to
or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students
who believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained
approval through SSD should contact SSD immediately at 737-4098.
Exams (individual-4 exams) 60%
Project (group) 40%*
Total Grade 100%
* Project grade breakdown:
Lab Assignments 5%
Display Model &
Middle School
Presentation 10%
Written Report
Total Project Grade 40%
Individual Grade:
There will be 4 exams in
this course, worth 15% each, and no final exam. There will be absolutely NO MAKE-UP EXAMS! However, you will get to drop your lowest grade. There will be specific sets of problems
assigned at the beginning of each week. The exam material will largely be based
on problem sets assigned on the specific topics as well as material covered
during the lectures, up to the lecture preceding the exam date. Completion
of the problem sets is optional, and they will NOT be graded. However, because
of their likely impact on your exam grades you are strongly encouraged to work
them all. Solutions to the
HW problems will be posted at the end of every week, and before the exams.
Group Grade:
Project Requirements
In addition to the exams, ME
383 is built around a team project to reverse-engineer and analyze an existing
product for safety and reliability to determine whether it was designed in a
satisfactory fashion, or whether redesign is necessary to improve the product
to meet the engineering requirements.
The class lectures cover only part of the information needed to conduct
the necessary analyses; the balance of this information will come from
unassigned portions of the text and library sources. It is your
responsibility to find and read this material!
Project completion involves
the following tasks:
1. Work and turn in team-based lab
assignments, graded during lab.
2. Select a mechanical product
for study, preferably something one or more of you is familiar with. The
product must have at least 5 moving parts and must not be made of plastic. Your team must obtain a functioning version
of the product to work with. An
assembly manual, service manual, and/or other product documentation is also
helpful. Final
approval of your product selection will be given by Professor Tumer.
3. Disassemble the
product. Take it apart, clean it,
and understand and describe how it works.
4. Generate a set of presumed
engineering requirements for the product.
You will have to estimate much of the information on engineering
requirements. Note all assumptions that are made by your team.
5. Generate a functional
decomposition of the product, noting all assumptions.
6. Create free body diagrams of
the product in all critical operating modes. The free body diagrams must be of the entire product and all
the major components. To do this
will require characterization of the power source(s), losses and loads. Note
all assumptions made.
7. Find the stresses at
critical points in the product.
You must find at least five of the most critical points. These points should involve different
loading types: tension, compression, shear, bending and torsion.
8. Perform static and dynamic failure
analyses on the product. The
analyses may include strength, stiffness, wear, material selection, and
9. Recommend improvements for
redesign of the product to makes it safer/more reliable.
10. Prepare a written report
detailing your findings and recommendations (see below).
11. Create a display model that
visually and kinesthetically communicates your findings and recommendations
(see below).
Project Evaluation
The team project component
of this course includes: Lab session assignments/briefings, project report, display
model, and middle school presentation (which may or may not be related to the
team project).
i. Lab Assignments: You will be responsible for specific deliverables at each lab session
in the form of written documents, accompanied by presentations as needed (to be
determined by Professor Tumer).
The assignments will have direct correlation to the content of the final
written report, and as such, should be done in a neat and clear fashion:
Lab Assignment 1: Team
Introductions and Contact Information, Team Contract
Lab Assignment 2: Proposal
for device due Monday; Functional decomposition, engineering requirements, and operational
description of the device due Thursday
Lab Assignment 3: Free Body
Diagram & Force analysis
Lab Assignment 4: Stress
Analysis Results
Lab Assignment 5: Static
Failure Analysis Results
Lab Assignment 6: Fatigue
Failure Analysis Results
Lab Assignment 7: Executive
Lab Assignment 8: Display Models
and Presentations
Lab Assignment 9: 1-page
questionnaire due Monday; Middle School Presentations
ii. Project Report: The written project report
must be computer-generated with a maximum length of 10 pages (Times Roman,
single line spacing, 12-point font, 1-inch margins). The primary audience
for this report is an imaginary company who is interested in understanding and
analyzing the failure potential and reliability of the product you have selected.
You audience will use the report
to decide whether to invest in this product as is, or invest in a redesign to
make it more reliable. Be sure to calibrate the quality and level of your
writing to effectively address this readership. A report-grading rubric will be provided. Pay close attention
to the rubric contents when preparing your report. The project report must contain the following sections:
1) 1-page executive summary
2) Introduction and description
of the system studied: What is the purpose of the analysis study and the
report? What is your system? What
does it do? How does it work? How might it fail/how has it failed in the past
(show sources)?
3) Discussion on the functional
decomposition and requirements
4) Force characterization and
free body diagrams, force analysis
5) Static and dynamic failure
6) Reliability and risk
aspects: why was the system designed to the factor of safety youŐve
computed. (Compare to engineering
requirements and functional decomposition. Compare to findings about past
failure cases in Section 2.) What needs to be redesigned and why?
7) Conclusions and
recommendations to your bosses: summary of your system, the analysis results,
and the systemŐs failure potential; insights on how you would design the device
better; recommendations on whether your company should invest in this product
8) Appendices with engineering
requirements, functional decomposition, and appropriate detailed analysis and
drawings (not part of the 10-page limit)
Note also that all
calculations included in the report should be annotated with a written
explanation and all associated assumptions should be noted. Calculations
lacking this explanatory information will be disregarded.
Project Display Model and
You will modify your product so that the internal parts are visible and product
operation can be demonstrated in a display model for an oral presentation. You must also mount the model for
display. Plastic-laminated
diagrams and text describing the system and its operation should be affixed to
the display model. The target
audience for the display model are future ME students. So be sure to calibrate
the quality and level of your diagrams and text to effectively address these
viewers. Additional details and
the model-scoring template will be provided.
iv. Middle School Presentations: You will prepare and deliver an oral presentation
to a middle school science class. This presentation, which need not directly
relate to your reverse-engineering project, must describe and demonstrate an
engineering or science concept at a level appropriate for middle school
students. The presentation will be
approximately 15 minutes long and will make use of professional quality visual
materials and demonstrations. All group members must participate in this
presentation to earn credit (no exceptions!)
In addition, you will create
a 1-page student handout to accompany your presentation. This handout will
briefly summarize the concept(s) you are presenting and include some follow-up
questions to reinforce the presentation content. More information will be provided in Week 7.
Peer Evaluation of Teamwork Contribution
To ensure fair grading of the team-produced deliverables, the overall team project grades will be corrected for each student with a weighting factor. This factor will be developed through each team member's confidential evaluation of all team members (including themselves) for the percent of his/her contribution to production of the project report, display model, and middle school presentation. The evaluations will be averaged by the instructor to find each student's contribution and the weighting factor made proportional to it.
ME 383: Evaluation on
Teamwork Contribution
Name _______________________________ Team Number______________
Member Name |
Team member contribution |
Project Report |
Display Model |
School Presentation |
Total |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100 |
Class Schedule
Assignments, & Exams |
Activities |
Week 1 1/4-8 Chap. 1,2,3 |
Introduction: Failure and Reliability HW 1 problems: Force/Stress analysis |
Team forms due in class Monday Team assignment and project introduction Lab-1 Due: Team
contract done in lab |
Review of Basics |
Stress Analysis/2D Mohr Circle |
Week 2 1/11-1/15 Chap. 3 |
Principal Stresses/3D Mohr circle HW 2 problems: Stress states/Mohr |
Project Proposal due in class Monday Lab-2 Due: Functional
Decomposition & Device Operational Description & Eng Reqs |
Load and Stress analysis examples |
EXAM 1: Force
& Stress Analysis |
Week 3 1/18-22 Chap. 5 |
MLK Holiday |
Lab-3 Due: Disassembly / Cleaning Force / Kinematic Analysis Results |
Static Failure Theory HW 3 problems: Static analysis |
Static Failure Analysis |
Week 4 1/25-1/29 Chap. 5,6 |
Static Failure Theory HW 4 problems: Static & Fatigue
analysis |
Lab-4 Due: Stress Analysis Results |
Fatigue Analysis |
Fatigue Analysis |
Week 5 2/1-5 Chap. 6 |
EXAM 2: Stress
& Static Failure Analysis HW 5 problems: Fatigue analysis |
Lab-5 Due: Static Failure Analysis Results |
Fatigue Analysis |
Fatigue Analysis |
Week 6 2/8-12 Chap. 13,14 |
Gears HW 6 problems: Gears |
Lab-6 Due: Dynamic Failure Analysis Results |
Gears |
Executive Summary & Project Report Discussion |
Week 7 2/15-19 Chap. 14,10 |
EXAM 3: Fatigue Analysis HW 7 problems: Springs |
Lab-7 Due: Executive Summary Evaluation / Recommendation Display Model Discussion |
Gears |
School Presentation discussion |
Week 8 2/22-26 Chap. 10, 11 |
Springs HW 8 problems: Bearings |
Lab-8 Due: Display
Model and Presentation During Thursday Lab Time |
Springs |
Bearings |
Week 9 3/1-5 |
Applications |
1-page questionnaire due in class Monday Lab-9 Due: Oral Presentation to Middle Schools During Thursday Lab Time (AT THE MIDDLE SCHOOLS!) |
Bearings/Reliability |
Advanced: Failure Detection & Monitoring |
Week 10 3/8-12 |
Advanced: Risk analysis during design |
No Lab Written Report due on Thursday March 11, by 5pm |
Advanced: Real-world failure examples |
Course Overview & Wrap-up |