ME 516: Modeling and analysis of Complex Systems
(Complex System Design)
Fall 2008
Term: ROG 440 and CESD Lab BAT 240
Professor Irem Y. Tumer
Course Description:
Introduction to challenges and considerations when designing
complex systems. Fundamentals of systems engineering and system level modeling
methods used in practice. Models and tools used to enable the use of models for
trade studies during the design of complex systems. Model based design
environments and methodologies.
Introduction to decision support tools in design.
Learning Outcomes:
By the completion of this
course, students will be able to:
Identify major challenges in complex system design
Utilize models during complex system design
Utilize system engineering tools in a complex system design environment
Formulate a research need and conduct research based on identified
Present findings in a professionally written report and an oral
No textbook is assigned.
Reading assignments will be handed out for selected topics either from
published articles or books. Suggested books for reading include:
The art of systems architecting. M.W. Maier and E. Rechtin
Introduction to systems engineering. A.P. Sage and J. E. Armstrong
Space mission analysis and design. J. R. Wertz and W. J. Larson
Reading assignments &
In-class discussions 15%
Design Projects (team) 45%
(30% Interim assignments, 10% Final report, 5% Individual contribution)
Research Project
(individual) 40%
(5% Proposal, 25% Final report, 10% Final presentation)
Lecture format:
Lectures will be 75 minutes long in general on Mondays and
Wednesdays, 10:00-11:15am.
However, there will be exceptions during visitor lectures, which will
require a longer period, as detailed below:
the following lectures will require additional time (if you canÕt stay during
these extra times, let me know right away!):
Week 2: MondayÕs lecture will be 10-11:50am: Chris Paredis from
Georgia Tech University (2 hours)
Week 3: MondayÕs lecture will be 10-11:50am: David Lee from
Northrop Grumman (2 hours)
Week 5: MondayÕs lecture will be 10-11:50am: Dr. Tim Simpson and
Dr. Mike Yukish from Pennstate (2 hours)
Week 7: MondayÕs lecture will be 10-12:20pm: Steve Wall from NASA
JPL (2 hours)
Week 7: WednesdayÕs lecture will be replaced by a 4-hour training
session, 8-11:50am (4 hours)
will cancel some lectures to make up for this extra time. Specifically:
Week 2: Second lecture cancelled. Use this time to pick a research
topic and prepare proposal.
Week 6: Both lectures cancelled. Use this time for ModelCenter
software training and research project.
Week 8: Both lectures cancelled. Use this time for finalizing
research project and design project.
Assignments (see Course web site:
Design project assignments (due on dates indicated, numbered as DP1,
DP2, etc.)
Research Project assignments (due as indicated, numbered as RP1, RP2,
Reading assignments (1-page summary due as indicated, numbered as RA1,
RA2, etc.)
for Design Projects:
Proposal: Select a candidate complex system for your team project
Interim assignments: Use of methods presented in class, observations,
Software training: ATSV, ModelCenter, ACCORD (includes exercises using
simple systems)
Team report of design project: implementation of method(s) for your
selected system
for Research Projects (see sample report):
Proposal: 2 pages (includes: problem statement, hypothesis, brief
initial overview of literature, plan)
Final report (See sample report) includes a through survey and
synthesis, discussion of application to complex system selected by team,
research challenges/gaps, research plan
Final presentation
Research Topics (check with me before deciding on a topic!):
Trade space exploration
System level modeling
System modeling languages
Model integration/partitioning
Multi disciplinary system design
Cost benefit analysis
Decision based design
System theory for system design
Requirements and change management for complex systems
Virtual organizations for system design
Complex system concurrent design environments
for Reading Assignments:
1-page summary of assigned reading material, including a critical
assessment of the contributions and quality of the paper (except for
chapters/training material)
Be prepared to discuss in class (see in-class discussion grade)
Students with documented disabilities
who may need accommodations, who have any emergency medical information the
instructor should know of, or who need special arrangements in the event of
evacuation, should make an appointment with the instructor as early as
possible, no later then the first week of the term. Accommodations
are collaborative efforts between students, faculty and Disability Access
Services (DAS). Students with accommodations approved through DAS are
responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course prior to
or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students who
believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained
approval through DAS should contact DAS immediately at 737-4098.
Academic dishonesty is prohibited and
considered a violation of the OSU Student Conduct Regulations. It includes
cheating, the intentional use of unauthorized materials, information, or study
aids); fabrication, assisting in dishonesty or tampering (intentionally or
knowingly helping or attempting to help another commit an act of dishonesty or
tampering with evaluation instruments and documents); and plagiarism,
intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another person's
as ones' own. If you have a question regarding academic integrity, please
talk to the instructor or refer to the OSU student conduct homepage at
Topics and Approximate
Wk 1: 9/29-10/1:
Introduction to Complex Engineered Systems
Select teams
for design project; sign up sheet for research presentations
DP1: Design
Project Proposal: pick an example system to analyze/design; due Monday, Wk 3
Wk 2: 10/6-8: Introduction
to Complex System Design research (no lectures)
RP1: Research
Project Proposal; due Monday, Wk 3
RA1: Reading
assignment: Introduction to SysML Ch 3; due Monday, Wk 3
Wk 3: 10/13-15: Model Based
Systems Engineering Tools
DP2: Design
Project: Apply methodology to
selected system; due Monday, Wk 4
RA2: Reading
assignment: Spacecraft Systems Design, SMAD Ch 10; due Monday, Wk 4
Wk 4: 10/20-22: Systems
Engineering for Complex Mission Design
DP3: Design
Project: Breakdown of selected system, selection of parameters, eqns; due
Monday, Wk 5
RA3: Reading
assignment: ATSV/Trade Space visualization; due Monday, Wk 5
Wk 5: 10/27-29: Model Based
Design: Trade Space Visualization
DP4: Design
Project: ATSV analysis with simple example; due Monday, Wk 6
Wk 6: 11/3-5: Model Based Design: Model
Center (no lectures)
DP5: Design
Project: Use Model Center for example problem; due Monday, Wk 7
RA4: Reading
assignment: Team X/Model based design; due Monday, Wk 7
Wk 7: 11/10-12: Model based
design: Design Environments
DP6: Design
Project: Team-X system setup using in-class example problem; due Wed 11/12, Wk
DP7: Design
Project: Screenshots of Model Center implementation results; due Monday, Wk 8
RP2: Research
Project: Final report due Friday, Wk 8
Wk 8: 11/17-19: Model Center (no lectures)
DP8: Design
Project: Final report Team X/ModelCenter applied to selected system; due Monday
Wk 10
RA5: Reading
assignment: Robust Decision Making; due Monday, Wk 9
Wk 9: 11/24-26: Decision
Making in Design (Thanksgiving week)
RP3: In-class
presentations: Final Research project presentations (Wed, 11/26)
Wk 10: 12/1-3: Summary and
Research Presentations
RP3: In-class
presentations: Final Research project presentations (Mon 12/1 & Wed 12/3)