Y. TUMERÕS Publications:
Journal Articles Published:
1. D.L. Van Bossuyt,
L. Carvalho, A. Dong, I.Y. Tumer, ÒOn Measuring Risk
Attitudes.Ó Accepted for publication. ASME
Journal of Mechanical Design. 2013.
2. S. Sierla,
B.M. OÕHalloran, T. Karhela,
N. Papakonstantinou, I.Y. Tumer, ÒCommon cause failure analysis of
cyber-physical systems situated in constructed environments.Ó Accepted for
publication. Journal of Research
in Engineering Design. 2013.
3. D.L. Van Bossuyt,
I.Y. Tumer, S. Wall, ÒA Case for Trading Risk in Conceptual Design Trade
Studies.Ó In Print. Journal of Research in Engineering Design.
4. C. Metha,
D.C. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer, C. Smidts, ÒAn Integrated
Multi-Domain Functional Failure and Propagation Analysis Approach for Safe
System Design.Ó In Print. AIEDAM
Journal. 2012.
5. S.K. Oman, I.Y. Tumer, K.L.
Wood, C. Seepersad, ÒA Comparison of Creativity and
Innovation Metrics and Validation through In-Class Design Projects.Ó 24(1): 65-92. Journal of Research in Engineering Design.
6. N. Papakonstantinou,
S. Sierla, I.Y. Tumer, D. Jensen, ÒMulti-Scale
Simulation on Interactions and Emergent Failure Behavior During Complex System
Design.Ó ASME Journal of
Computing & Information Sciences in Engineering. 12(3).
September 2012.
7. S. Sierla,
I.Y. Tumer, N. Papakonstantinou, K. Koskinen, D. Jensen, ÒEarly Integration of Safety to the
Mechatronic System Design Process for the Functional Failure Identification and
Propagation Framework.Ó Mechatronics. 22(2): 137-151. March 2012.
8. D.L. VanBossuyt,
C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, A. Dong, ÒConsidering Risk Attitude Using Utility Theory
in Risk-Based Design.Ó AIEDAM Journal.
Special Issue on Intelligent Decision
Support and Modeling. 26(4): 2012.
9. R. Hutcheson, D.A. McAdams,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒFunction-based behavioral modeling.Ó The International
Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology. 4(3). 2012.
Agogino, A.K. Goel, C.C.
Hayes, W.C. Regli, I.Y. Tumer, ÒIntelligent Systems in Product Design:
A Retrospective.Ó ASME Journal of
Computing & Information Sciences in Engineering. 11(2). June 2011.
Tumer and C.S. Smidts, ÒIntegrated design-stage
failure analysis of software-driven hardware systems.Ó IEEE Transactions on Computers. Special
Issue on Science of Design for Safety Critical Systems. 60(8): 1072-1084.
Coatanea, S. Nonsiri, T. Ritola, I.Y. Tumer, D. Jensen, ÒDimensional analysis based
behavioral modeling for design-stage failure analysis.Ó ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 133(12). 2011.
T. Kurtoglu, D. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer, ÒA
functional failure reasoning methodology for evaluation of conceptual system
architecturesÓ. Research in Engineering Design.
21:209-234. 2010.
14. M.R. Bohm,
K.R. Haapala, K. Poppa, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer,
ÒTowards integrating sustainability analysis into the conceptual phase of
product design.Ó ASME Journal of
Mechanical Design. Special Issue in Sustainable design. 132. September
15. C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, A.F. Mehr,
W. Chen, ÒHealth Management Allocation for Conceptual System Design.Ó ASME Journal
of Computing & Information Sciences in Engineering. 9(2). 2009.
N. Patransky Robson, J.M. McCarthy, I.Y.
Tumer, ÒFailure recovery planning for an arm actuator failure on an exploratory
rover.Ó The IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
25(6): 1448-1453. 2009.
Grantham-Lough, R.B. Stone, and I.Y. Tumer, ÒThe risk in early design method.Ó Journal of Engineering Design. 20: 2.
18. K
Grantham-Lough, M. Van Wie, R.B. Stone, F. Barrientos, I.Y. Tumer, ÒPromoting risk communication in
early design through linguistic analyses and tools.Ó Research in Engineering Design, 20 (1): 29. 2009.
K. Grantham-Lough, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒFailure prevention
through effective cataloguing and utilization of failure events,Ó Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. 8(5): 469-481. 2008.
N. Patransky Robson, J.M. McCarthy, I.Y.
Tumer, ÒThe algebraic synthesis of a spatial TS chain for a prescribed
acceleration task.Ó Mechanisms and Machine Theory. 2008.
21. K.
Grantham-Lough, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒImplementation Procedures for the Risk
in Early Design (RED) Method,Ó Journal of
Industrial and Systems Engineering. 2(2): 126-143. 2008.
T. Kurtoglu and I.Y. Tumer, ÒA graph based fault
identification and propagation framework for functional design of complex
systems.Ó ASME Journal of Mechanical
Design. 30(5). 2008.
23. D.A. McAdams, D. Comella, I.Y. Tumer, ÒExploring effective methods for simulating
damaged structures with geometric variation.Ó ASME Journal of Applied
Mechanics, JAM-05-116. 2007.
24. A.F. Mehr and I.Y. Tumer, ÒRisk based decision making for
managing resources during the design of complex aerospace systems.Ó ASME Journal of Mechanical Design.
Special Issue on Robust and Reliability Based Design. 128(4): 1014-1022. July
25. R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer,
M.E. Stock, ÒLinking product
functionality to historical failures to improve failure analysis in design.Ó Research in Engineering Design. 16(2):
96-108. 2005.
26. D.A. McAdams and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒToward Intelligent fault detection in turbine blades: Variational vibration models of damaged pinned-pinned
beams.Ó ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics. 127(5): 467-474. 2005.
27. R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer,
M. VanWie, ÒThe Function-Failure Design Method.Ó ASME Journal
of Mechanical Design. 127(3): 397-407. 2005.
28. S.G. Arunajadai,
R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒFailure mode identification through clustering
analysis.Ó Quality and Reliability
Engineering International Journal.
20:511-526. 2004.
29. I.Y. Tumer, R.B. Stone,
ÒMapping Function to Failure during High-Risk Component Development.Ó Journal of Research in Engineering Design. 14: 25-33. 2003.
30. I.Y. Tumer, E.M. Huff,
ÒAnalysis of Triaxial Vibration Data for Health
Monitoring of Helicopter Gearboxes.Ó
ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics. 125(1):120-128. 2003.
31. I.Y. Tumer, E.M. Huff,
ÒOn the Effects of Production and Maintenance Variations on Rotating Machinery
Component Performance.Ó Journal of Quality in Maintenance and Engineering.
8(3): 226-238. 2002. (Highly Commended Award, 2002 Volume, Emerald Literati
32. E.M. Huff, I.Y. Tumer,
E. Barszcz, M. Dzwonczyk,
J. McNames,
ÒAnalysis of Maneuvering Effects on Transmission Vibrations in an AH-1
Cobra Helicopter.Ó Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 47(1): 42-49. January 2002.
33. I.Y. Tumer, K.L. Wood,
I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒMonitoring of Manufacturing
Signals Using the Karhunen-Loeve Transform.Ó Mechanical
Systems & Signal Processing Journal, 14(6): 1011-1026. 2000.
34. I.Y. Tumer, R.L.
Longoria, K.L. Wood, ÒSignal Analysis Using the Karhunen-Loeve
Transform: Application to Hydrodynamic Forces.Ó ASME Journal
of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 122(3): 208-213. 2000.
35. I.Y. Tumer, K.L. Wood,
I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒA Mathematical Transform to
Improve Part Surface Quality in Manufacturing.Ó ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 122(1): 273-279. February 2000.
36. I.Y. Tumer, D.C.
Thompson, R.H. Crawford, K.L. Wood, ÒCharacterization of Surface Fault
Patterns, with Application to a Layered Manufacturing Process.Ó Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 17(1):
23-36. 1998.
37. I.Y. Tumer, R.S. Srinivasan, K.L. Wood, ÒInvestigation of Characteristic
Measures for the Analysis and Synthesis of Precision-Machined Surfaces.Ó Journal of Manufacturing Systems,
14(5):378-392. 1995.
Articles in Review:
1. D.C. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer, T. Kurtoglu, ÒUsing Fault Modes Dependencies to Identify
Potential Fault Propagation Paths.Ó Journal
paper in review.
2. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒThe Function Failure Rate Design Method.Ó Journal
paper in review.
3. C. Hsiao, M. Ruffino, R. Malak, I.Y. Tumer, T.
Doolen, ÒDiscovering Taxonomic Structure in Design Archive
Information: A Study of Risk-Mitigating Actions in a Large Engineering
Organization.Ó Journal paper in review.
4. S.K. Oman, B. Gilchrist, I.Y.
Tumer, R.B. Stone, ÒTowards Computer Directed Innovation in Product Design.Ó Journal paper in review.
5. S. Sierla,
B.M. OÕHalloran, H. Nikula, N. Papakonstantinou,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒSafety analysis of mechatronic product lines.Ó Journal
paper in review.
6. B.M. O'Halloran, C. Hoyle, R.B.
Stone, and I.Y. Tumer, "The Early Design Reliability Prediction
Method," Journal paper in review.
7. B.M. OÕHalloran,
B. Haley, D.C. Jensen, R.B. Stone, and I.Y. Tumer, ÒThe early implementation of
failure modes into component model libraries.Ó Journal paper in review.
8. H. Mehrpouyan, D. Giannakopoulou,
G.P. Brat, and I.Y. Tumer, ÒComplex engineering system design verification
using Assume-Guarantee reasoning.Ó
Journal paper in review.
9. H. Mehrpouyan, B.
Haley, I.Y. Tumer, C. Hoyle, A. Dong, ÒResiliency Analysis for Complex System Design.Ó
Journal paper in review.
10. D. Jensen, O. Bello, C.
Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, ÒReasoning about Emergent System Failure Behavior using
Large Sets of Qualitative Function-Based Simulation Data.Ó Journal paper in review.
11. N. Papakonstantinou,
S. Sierla, K. Caritoudi, B.
OÕHalloran, T. Karhela, I.Y. Tumer, ÒSecurity Impact
Assessment with the Functional-Failure Identification and Propagation
Framework.Ó Journal paper in review.
12. C. Hoyle and I.Y. Tumer,
ÒSystem-level Design Reliability Enabled by Copulas. Journal paper in review.
13. S.K. Oman, I.Y. Tumer,
R.B. Stone, T.L. Doolen, ÒReducing the Subjectivity
in the Comparative Creativity Assessment Method by Including Function
Combinations.Ó Journal paper in preparation.
14. B. Gilchrist, C. Hoyle,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒA Latent Variable Approach to Quantifying CreativityÓ. Journal paper in preparation.
15. B. Gilchrist, R. Arlitt, D. VanBossuyt, I.Y.
Tumer, R.B. Stone, K. Haapala, ÒFunctional Impact
Based Evaluation of Innovative Product Design.Ó Journal paper in preparation.
Refereed Conference Articles:
1. B. Gilchrist, I.Y. Tumer, D.L. Van Bossuyt, R. Arlitt, R.B. Stone, ÒFunctional
impact comparison of common and innovative products.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR.
August 2013
2. H. Mehrpouyan,
B. Haley, A. Dong, I.Y. Tumer, C. Hoyle, ÒResilient design of complex
engineered systems.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
3. H. Mehrpouyan,
D. Giannakopoulou, G.P. Brat, I.Y. Tumer, C. Hoyle,
ÒComplex system design verification using assumption generation.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
4. D. Kasthurlrathna,
A. Dong, M. Piraveenan, I.Y. Tumer, ÒThe failure
tolerance of mechatronic software systems to random and targeted attacks.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
5. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒDeveloping new design requirements to reduce failures in early
complex system design.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
6. R.L. Yim,
J.M. Castaneda, T.L. Doolen, I.Y. Tumer, R.J. Malak, ÒA student of engineering design project complexity
and risk indicators.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
7. N. Papakonstantinou,
S. Sierla, B. OÕHalloran, I.Y. Tumer, ÒA simulation
based approach to automate event tree generation for early complex system
design.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
8. J. Piacenza, S.H. Seyedmahmoudi, K. Haapala, C.
Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, ÒComparison of sustainability performance: cross-laminated
timber vs. concrete.Ó The 2013 ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2013. Portland, OR. August 2013.
9. H. Mehrpouyan,
B. Haley, A. Dong, I.Y. Tumer, C. Hoyle, ÒResilient design of complex
engineering systems against cascading failure.Ó The 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
San Diego, CA. November 2013.
10. B. Gilchrist, C. Rebhuhn, C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, ÒA new take on quantifying
innovation: a latent variable approach.Ó The
2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. San
Diego, CA. Nov 2013.
11. J. Piacenza, J. Fields,
M.A. Bozorgirad, C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, ÒRobust design
of the North American power grid to mitigate cascading failures.Ó The 2013 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress & Exposition. San Diego, CA. November 2013.
12. R. Yim,
J. Castaneda, T. Doolen, I.Y. Tumer, R. Malak, ÒFunctional complexity impact on engineering design
project risk indicators.Ó The 2013
Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference.
13. J. Piacenza, C. Hoyle, I.Y.
Tumer, J. Fields, ÒPower grid design trades and system optimization considering
renewable energy strategies and environmental impact.Ó The 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
Houston, TX. November 2012.
14. D.L. Van Bossuyt, C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, R. Malak,
T. Doolen, A. Dong, ÒTowards an early-phase conceptual
system design risk-informed decision making framework.Ó The 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
Houston, TX. November 2012.
15. B.M. OÕHalloran, C.
Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, R.B. Stone, Ò The early design reliability prediction
method.Ó The 2012 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX. November
16. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B.
Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒA survey of risk and reliability methods and their
impediments to move into practice.Ó The
2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
Houston, TX. November 2012.
17. B.M. OÕHalloran, R. Arlitt, J. Novak, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒApplying design
feedback to generate requirements for an intuitive biologically inspired design
tool.Ó The 2012 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX. November 2012.
18. K.R. Poppa, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒA functional similarity measure inspired by latent semantic indexing.Ó
The 2012 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX. November 2012.
19. D.C. Jensen, C. Hoyle,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒClustering of function-based failure analysis results to evaluate
and reduce system level risks.Ó The 2012
ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
20. H. Mehrpouyan,
D.C. Jensen, C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, T. Kurtoglu, ÒA
model based failure identification and propagation framework for the conceptual
design of complex systems.Ó The 2012 ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
21. B.M. OÕHalloran, C.
Hoyle, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒA method to calculate function and component
failure distributions using a hierarchical bayesian
model and frequency weighting.Ó The 2012
ASME Design Theory and Methodology
Conference, IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
22. D.L. Van Bossuyt, C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, A. Dong, T. Doolen, R. Malak, ÒTowards
considering risk attitudes in engineering organizations using utility theory.Ó The 2012 ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago,
IL. August 2012.
23. B. Gilchrist, I.Y.
Tumer, R.B. Stone, Q. Gao, K.R. Haapala,
ÒA comparison of environmental impacts of innovative vs. common products.Ó The 2012 ASME Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference,
IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
24. S.K. Oman, B. Gilchrist,
C. Rebhuhn, I.Y. Tumer, A. Nix, R.B. Stone, ÒTowards
a repository of innovative engineering products to enhance engineering
creativity education.Ó The 2012 ASME Design Education Conference,
IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
25. C. Hsiao, M. Ruffino, R. Malak, I.Y. Tumer, T.
Doolen, ÒDeveloping a taxonomy of risk-mitigating
actions from a legacy database of a large design organization.Ó The 2012 ASME Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
26. J. Piacenza, C. Hoyle,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒLighting optimization for sustainable building design considering
user productivity.Ó The 2012 ASME Design Automation Conference,
IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
27. N. Papakonstantinou,
S. Sierla, D.C. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer, Ò Using fault
propagation analyses for early elimination of unreliable design alternatives of
complex cyber-physical systems.Ó The 2012
ASME Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2012. Chicago, IL. August 2012.
28. C. Rebhuhn,
B. Gilchrist, S.K. Oman, I.Y. Tumer, R.B. Stone, K. Tumer, ÒA multiagent framework for component-level creativity
evaluation.Ó MABD/AAMAS Conference. Valencia, Spain. June 2012.
29. M.T. Koopmans, S. Meicke, I.Y. Tumer, B. Paasch,
ÒExperimental polymer bearing wear assessment and test stand benchmarking for
ocean wave energy converter technology. The 2011 Prognostics and Health Management
Conference, Montreal, Canada. September 2011.
30. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B.
Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒEarly design stage reliability analysis using function-flow
failure rates.Ó The 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
Denver, CO. Nov 2011.
31. J. Piacenza and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒTowards a system analysis and integration framework for early design
trades in sustainable building design.Ó The 2011 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress & Exposition. Denver, CO. November 2011.
32. D.L. VanBossuyt,
L. Carvalho, A. Dong, I.Y. Tumer, ÒOn measuring
engineering risk attitudes.Ó The 2011
ASME International Design Theory and Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2011.
Washington, DC. August 2011.
33. C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, T.
Kurtoglu, W. Chen, ÒMulti-stage uncertainty
quantification for verifying the correctness of complex system designs.Ó The 2011 ASME International Design
Automation Conference, IDETC/CIE2011. Washington, DC. August 2011.
34. D.L. VanBossuyt,
C. Hoyle, I.Y. Tumer, ÒConsidering risk attitude using utility theory in
risk-based design.Ó The 2011 ASME
International Design Automation Conference, IDETC/CIE2011. Washington, DC.
August 2011.
35. M.T. Koopmans and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒElectromechanical actuator testbed coupling
design to reduce prognostic model uncertainty.Ó The 2011 ASME Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE2011. Washington, DC. August 2011.
36. N. Papakonstantinou,
S. Sierla, D. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer, ÒOn applying
functional failure analysis to large complex systems: Boiling water reactor
design.Ó The 2011 ASME Computers &
Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2011. Washington, DC.
August 2011.
37. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B.
Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒEarly design stage reliability analysis using function-flow
failure rates.Ó The 2011 ASME International
Design Theory and Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2011. Washington, DC.
August 2011.
38. M.T. Koopmans, R. Hooven, I.Y. Tumer, ÒReliability based design
recommendations for an electromechanical actuator test stand.Ó The
2010 Prognostics and Health Management Conference. Portland, OR. Oct 2010.
39. D.L. VanBossuyt
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒToward understanding collaborative design center trade study
software upgrade and migration risks.Ó The
2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. IMECE
2010-39213. Vancouver, Canada. November 2010.
40. S.K. Oman, M.D. Koch,
I.Y. Tumer, M.R. Bohm, ÒVerifying the usability of
failure-based computational design methods.Ó The 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
IMECE 2010-39259. Vancouver, Canada. November 2010.
41. M.D. Koch, R.J. Schulte,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒOn the utilization of web-based collaboration tools by student
design teams.Ó The 2010 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. IMECE 2010-39207. Vancouver,
Canada. November 2010.
42. E. Coatanea, T. Ritola, I.Y. Tumer, D.C. Jensen, ÒA framework for building
behavioral models for design stage failure identification using dimensional
analysis.Ó The 2010 ASME International
Design Theory and Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2010. Montreal, Canada.
August 2010.
43. M.R. Bohm,
K.R. Haapala, K. Poppa, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer,
ÒEnvironmental analysis of consumer products during the conceptual phase of
product design.Ó The 2010 ASME Design for
Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference, IDETC/CIE2010. Montreal,
Canada. August 2010.
44. D.L. Van Bossuyt, S. Wall, and I.Y. Tumer, ÒTowards risk as a tradeable parameter in complex system design trades.Ó The 2010 ASME Computers in Engineering
Conference, IDETC/CIE2010. Montreal, Canada. August 2010.
45. M.T. Koopmans and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒFunction-based analysis and redesign of a flyable electromechanical
actuator test stand.Ó The 2010 ASME
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2010.
Montreal, Canada. August 2010.
46. M.D. Koch, R.J. Schulte,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒThe effects of open innovation on collaboration and knowledge sharing
in student design teams.Ó The 2010 ASME
International Design and Design Education Conference, IDETC/CIE2010.
Montreal, Canada. August 2010.
47. S.K. Oman and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒAssessing creativity and innovation at the concept design stage in
engineering design: a classroom experiment.Ó The 2010 ASME International Design and Design Education Conference,
IDETC/CIE2010. Montreal, Canada. August 2010.
48. A. Brown, R. Paasch, I.Y. Tumer, P. Lenee-Bluhm,
J. Hovland, A. von Jouanne,
T. Brekken, ÒTowards a definition and metric for the
survivability of ocean wave energy converters.Ó The
2010 ASME International Conference on Energy Sustainability. Phoenix, AZ.
July 2010.
49. D.C. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer,
and T. Kurtoglu, ÒDesign of an electrical power
system using a functional failure and flow state reasoning methodologyÓ. The
2009 Prognostics and Health Management
Conference, PHMÕ09. San Diego, CA. October 2009.
50. S. Kramer and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒTowards StateCharts based failure propagation
analysis for designing embedded PHM systemsÓ. The 2009 Prognostics and Health Management Conference, PHMÕ09. San Diego,
CA. 2009.
51. D.C. Jensen, I.Y. Tumer,
and T. Kurtoglu, ÒFlow State Logic (FSL) for analysis
of failure propagation in early designÓ. 2009 ASME International Design Theory and Methodology Conference,
IDETC/CIE2009. San Diego, CA. September 2009.
52. E. Walkingshaw,
P. Strauss, J. Mueller, M. Erwig, and I.Y. Tumer, ÒA
Formal Representation of Software-Hardware System DesignÓ. 2009 ASME International Design Theory and Methodology
Conference, IDETC/CIE2009. September 2009, San Diego, CA.
53. S. Kramer and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒA framework for early assessment of failures during the design of PHM
systemsÓ. 2009 ASME Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2009. San Diego, CA.
September 2009.
54. F. Farhangmehr
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒOptimal risk-based integrated design (ORBID) for
multidisciplinary complex systems. International Conference and Engineering Design
(ICEDÕ09). Stanford, CA. August 2009.
55. S.K. Oman and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒThe potential of creativity metrics for mechanical engineering concept
designÓ. International Conference and Engineering Design (ICEDÕ09). Stanford,
CA. August 2009.
56. M. Koch and I.Y. Tumer,
ÒTowards Open Design: The emergent face of engineering designÓ. International
Conference and Engineering Design (ICEDÕ09). Stanford, CA. August 2009.
58. D.C. Jensen. I.Y. Tumer,
and T. Kurtoglu, ÒModeling the propagation of
failures in software-driven hardware systems to enable risk-informed design.Ó
ASME 2008 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition. Safety Engineering, Risk Analysis, and
Reliability Methods Track. Boston, MA. 2008.
59. F. Farhangmehr
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒCapture, Assessment and Communication Tool for Uncertainty Simulation
(CACTUS) in complex systems.Ó ASME 2008 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Safety Engineering, Risk
Analysis, and Reliability Methods Track. Boston, MA. 2008.
60. J. Mueller and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒA methodology for identifying hardware states and requirements to
ensure system reliability and success in software-hardware systemsÓ. ASME 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress
and Exposition. Safety Engineering, Risk Analysis, and Reliability Methods
Track. Boston, MA. 2008.
61. T. Kurtoglu
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒA risk-informed decision making methodology for evaluating failure
impact of early system designs.Ó 2008 ASME International
Design Theory and Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2008. New York City, NY.
62. A. Brown, I.Y. Tumer, R.
Paasch, ÒEarly stage failure modeling and safety
analysis applied to the design of wave energy converters.Ó 2008 ASME International Design Theory and Methodology
Conference, IDETC/CIE2008. New York City, NY. 2008.
63. R. Hutcheson, D.A.
McAdams, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒEffect of Model Element Fidelity Within a
Complex Function-Based Behavioral ModelÓ 2008 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Integrated
Systems Engineering Symposium, IDETC/CIE2008. New York City, NY. 2008.
64. R.S. Hutcheson, D.A.
McAdams, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒFunction-based behavioral modeling.Ó 2007
ASME International Design Theory and
Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2007. Las Vegas, NV. 2007.
65. T. Kurtoglu
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒA graph-based framework for early assessment of functional
failures in complex systems.Ó 2007 ASME International
Design Theory and Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2007. Las Vegas, NV.
66. F. Barrientos,
I.Y. Tumer, D. Ullman, ÒModeling uncertainty reduction in concurrent
engineering design teams.Ó 2007 ASME Reliability,
Safety, and Failure Prevention Conference, IDETC/CIE2007. Las Vegas, NV. 2007.
67. C. Hoyle, A.F. Mehr, I.Y. Tumer, W. Chen, ÒCost-benefit analysis of ISHM
in aerospace systems.Ó 2007 ASME Computers
and Information in Engineering Conference, Integrated Systems Engineering
Symposium, IDETC/CIE2007. Las
Vegas, NV. 2007.
68. R.S. Hutcheson and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒFACE—A function-based methodology for analyzing critical
events.Ó In ASME Design
Automation Conference. DETC2006-99535. Philadelphia, PA. 2006.
69. A.F. Mehr
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒA multidisciplinary and multiobjective
system analysis and optimization methodology for embedding integrated systems
health management into NASAÕs complex systems.Ó In ASME Design Automation Conference, IDETC/CIE2006. DETC2006-99619.
Philadelphia, PA. 2006.
70. K. Grantham, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒThe risk in early design (RED) method: likelihood and consequence
formulations.Ó ASME Design Automation
Conference, IDETC/CIE2006. DETC2006-99375. Philadelphia, PA.
71. K. Grantham, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒPrescribing and implementing the risk in early design method.Ó
ASME International Design Theory and
Methodology Conference, IDETC/CIE2006. DETC2006-99374. Philadelphia, CA.
76. R. Hutcheson and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒFunction-based design of a spacecraft power subsystem diagnostics testbedÓ. ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. IMECE2005-81120. Orlando,
FL. 2005.
84. M.E. Stock, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒComparing two levels of functional detail for mapping historical
failures: you are only as good as your knowledge base.Ó ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition. IMECE2003-41593. Washington, D.C. November 2003.
85. D.A. McAdams, D. Comella, I.Y. Tumer, ÒDeveloping variational
vibration models of damaged beams: toward intelligent failure detection.Ó ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition. IMECE2003-42540. Washington, D.C. November 2003.
86. R.A. Roberts, I.Y.
Tumer, R.B. Stone, A.F. Brown, ÒA function-based exploration of JPL's problem
and failure reporting database.Ó
ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition. IMECE2003-42769. Washington, D.C. November 2003.
88. S.G. Arunajadai,
R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒA clustering based approach for failure mode
identification.Ó ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition. IMECE2002-DE-34422. New Orleans, LA. November
89. I.Y. Tumer, R.B. Stone,
R.A. Roberts, ÒTowards failure-free design: Reducing dimensionality in
function-failure similarity analysis for large databases.Ó ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress
and Exposition. IMECE2002-33473. New Orleans, LA. November 2002.
93. I.Y. Tumer and R.B.
Stone, ÒAnalytical Method to Evaluate Failure Potential during High-Risk
Component Development.Ó ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference.
DETC2001-DFM21173. Pittsburgh, PA.
September 2001.
94. I.Y. Tumer and E.M.
Huff, ÒUsing Triaxial Vibration Data for Vibration
Monitoring of Helicopter Gearboxes.Ó
ASME Mechanical Vibration and
Noise Conference.
DETC2001-VIB21755. Pittsburgh,
PA. 2001.
95. I.Y. Tumer, and E.M.
Huff, ÒEvaluating Manufacturing and Assembly Errors in Rotating Machinery to Enhance
Component Performance.Ó ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference.
DETC00-DFM14006. Baltimore, MD. September 2000.
96. I.Y. Tumer, K.L. Wood,
I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒCondition Monitoring
Methodology in Manufacturing and Design.Ó
ASME Design for Manufacturing
Conference. DETC98-DFM5824. Atlanta, GA. September 1998.
97. I.Y. Tumer, K.L. Wood,
I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒMonitoring Fault Condition
During Manufacturing Using the Karhunen-Loeve
Transform.Ó ASME Mechanical Vibration and
Noise Conference. DETC97-VIB4234. Sacramento, CA. September 1997.
98. I.Y. Tumer, K.L. Wood,
I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒImproving Manufacturing
Precision Using the Karhunen-Loeve Transform.Ó ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference. DETC97-DFM4347. Sacramento, CA. September
99. I.Y. Tumer, R.S. Srinivasan, K.L. Wood, ÒCharacteristic Measures for the
Representation of Manufactured Surfaces.Ó
ASME Design for Manufacturing
Conference. DETC96-DFM1275. Irvine, CA. 1996.
100.I.Y. Tumer, R.S. Srinivasan, K.L.
Wood, I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒFractal Precision Models
of Lathe-Type Turning Machines.Ó ASME Design
Automation Conference. Volume 65-2, pp.501-513. Albuquerque, NM. September
Conference Articles:
1. D. Jensen and I.Y. Tumer,
ÒModeling and analysis of Safety in early design.Ó Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSERÕ13). Atlanta, GA.
March 2013.
2. C. Hsiao, R. Malak, I.Y. Tumer, T. Doolen,
ÒEmpirical findings about risk and risk mitigating actions from a legacy
archive of a large design organization.Ó
Conference on Systems Engineering
Research (CSERÕ13). Atlanta, GA. March 2013.
3. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒA Failure Modes and Mechanisms Naming TaxonomyÓ. RAMS 2012.
4. B.M. OÕHalloran, R.B. Stone,
I.Y. Tumer, ÒA Method to Compute Early Design Risk Using Customer Importance
and Function-Flow Failure Rates.Ó CIRP 2012.
5. T. Doolen,
D. VanScoter, I.Y. Tumer, R. Malak,
D. VanBossuyt, C. Hsiao, ÒEmpirically-Derived Risk
Indicators in Large Design Organizations.Ó
ASEM Conference, Lubbock, TX. October 2011.
6. S. Uckun,
T. Kurtoglu, P. Bunus, I.Y.
Tumer, C. Hoyle, D. Musliner, ÒModel-Based Systems
Engineering for the Design and Development of Complex Aerospace Systems.Ó SAE Aerotech Conference. October 2011.
7. K.R. Haapala,
K.R. Poppa, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒAutomating environmental impact assessment
during the conceptual phase of product design.Ó AAAI Spring Symposia, AI in Sustainable
Design. Stanford, CA. March 2011.
8. Y. Zhang, T. Kurtoglu, I.Y. Tumer, B.M. OÕHalloran, ÒSystem-level
reliability analysis for conceptual design of electrical power systems.Ó CSER 2011. Long Beach, CA. April 2011.
9. C. Hoyle, A.F. Mehr, I.Y. Tumer, W. Chen, ÒOn quantifying cost-benefit of
ISHM in Aerospace systems.Ó 2007 IEEE
Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MN 2007.
10. T. Kurtoglu
and I.Y. Tumer. ÒFFIP: A framework for early assessment of functional failures
in complex systems.Ó The International
Conference on Engineering Design—ICEDÕ07. Paris. 2007.
11. R.S. Hutcheson, D.A.
McAdams, R.B. Stone, I. Y. Tumer, ÒFunction based systems engineering (FuSE)Ó. The International Conference on Engineering
Design—ICEDÕ07. Paris, France. 2007.
12. J. Vucovich, R.B. Stone, X. Liu, I.Y. Tumer. "Risk
Assessment in Early Software Design Based on the Software Function-Failure
Design Method," 31st IEEE Computer
Society Signature Conference on Software Technology and Applications
(COMPSAC), Paper #21, Beijing, China. 2007.
13. K.
Grantham-Lough, R.B. Stone, I.Y. Tumer, ÒFailure prevention through effective
cataloguing and utilization of failure events.Ó International
Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis. 2006.
14. L.P. Chao, I.Y. Tumer,
ÒRisk assessment practices at NASA: Studies of design and review methods.Ó In IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MN,
15. J. Sauvageon,
A. Agogino, A.F. Mehr, I.Y.
Tumer, ÒComparison of event detection methods for centralized sensor networks.Ó
IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium. Houston, TX. 2006.
16. I.Y. Tumer, ÒTowards
ISHM Co-Design: Methods and practices for fault avoidance and management during
early phase designÓ. 1st Integrated
Systems Health Engineering and Management Forum. Napa, CA. November 2005.
17. L.P. Chao, I.Y. Tumer,
and K. Ishii, ÒDesign process error-proofing: Benchmarking of the NASA development
cycle.Ó In IEEE Aerospace Conference,
Big Sky, MN, 2005.
18. A.F. Mehr,
I.Y. Tumer, E. Barszcz, ÒOptimal Design of Integrated
Systems Health Management (ISHM) Systems for Improving the Safety of NASAÕs
Exploration Missions: A Multidisciplinary Design ApproachÓ, WCSMO'06, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005.
19. F. Barrientos,
E.R. Pedersen, I.Y. Tumer, ÒTowards Failure-Based Decision Making during Design:
User-Centered Design Approach.Ó In IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics. 2005.
20. R. Hutcheson and I.Y.
Tumer, ÒFunction-based Co-design Paradigm for Robust Health Management.Ó The 5th International Workshop on
Structural Health Monitoring. Stanford, CA. 2005.
22. A.F. Mehr
and I.Y. Tumer, ÒTwo-Level Optimization of Systems Health Monitoring in Systems
with Top-Down Hierarchical ArchitectureÓ. The
5th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring.
Stanford, CA. September 2005.
23. K.V. Ngo and I.Y. Tumer,
ÒImpact of variations on 1-D flow in gas turbine engines via MC simulations.Ó IEEE Aerospace Conference. March 2004.
24. I.Y. Tumer, R.B. Stone,
D.G. Bell, ÒRequirements for a failure mode taxonomy for use in conceptual
design.Ó International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED2003, Paper No.
1612, Stockholm, Sweden. August 2003.
25. N. Oza,
I.Y. Tumer, K. Tumer, E.M. Huff, ÒClassification of aircraft maneuvers for
fault detection.Ó Multiple Classifier Systems Workshop.
Surrey, England, July 2003.
26. I.Y. Tumer and E.M.
Huff, ÒPrincipal components analysis of triaxial
vibration data from helicopter transmissions.Ó The 56th Meeting of the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology,
pp. 331-341. Virginia Beach, VA, April 2002.
27. E.M. Huff, I.Y. Tumer,
M. Mosher, ÒAn Experimental Comparison of Transmission Vibration Responses from
OH-58c and AH-1 Helicopters.Ó The Vertical Flight Society's 57th Annual Forum,
American Helicopter Society, Washington, D.C., May 2001.
28. E.M. Huff, I.Y. Tumer,
E. Barszcz, D. Lewicki, H.
Decker, ÒExperimental Analysis of Mast Lifting and Bending Forces on Vibration
Patterns before and after Pinion Reinstallation in an OH-58 Transmission Test
RigÓ. The Vertical Flight Society's 56th Annual Forum, VA. May 2000.
29. E.M. Huff, E. Barszcz, I.Y. Tumer, M. Dzwonczyk,
J. McNames, ÒExperimental Analysis of Steady-State
Maneuvering Effects on Transmission Vibration Patterns Recorded in an AH-1 Cobra
HelicopterÓ. The Vertical Flight
Society's 56th Annual Forum, American Helicopter Society, Virginia Beach,
VA. 2000.
30. I.Y. Tumer and A. Bajwa, ÒA Survey of Aircraft Engine Health Monitoring
SystemsÓ. 1999 Joint Propulsion
Conference, Aerospace Systems Condition Monitoring session, Los Angeles,
CA. 1999.
31. D.A. McAdams, I.Y.
Tumer, and K.L. Wood, ÒAn Overview of Tolerance Design for Function and Manufacturing
Precision in Product Design.Ó 1998 NSF
Design and Manufacturing Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, January 5-8, 1998.
32. K.L. Wood, R.S. Srinivasan, I.Y. Tumer, R. Cavin,
ÒFractal-Based Tolerancing: Theory, Dynamic Process
Modeling, Test Bed Development and Experiments.Ó The 1993 NSF Design and Manufacturing Systems Conference, Charlotte, NC,
Volume1, pp.731-740. September 1993.
33. I.Y. Tumer, K.L. Wood,
I.J. Busch-Vishniac, ÒExtraction of Fault Features on
SLS Part Surfaces Using the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion
Technique.Ó The 1996 Solid Freeform
Fabrication Symposium, pp. 575-585, Austin, TX. August 1996.
34. I.Y. Tumer, D.C.
Thompson, R.H. Crawford, K.L. Wood, ÒQuantification of Part Surface
Quality: Application to Selective
Laser Sintering.Ó The 1996 World Automation Conference,
pp. 731-736, Montpellier, France. May 1996.
35. I.Y. Tumer, D.C.
Thompson, R.H. Crawford, K.L. Wood, ÒSurface Characterization of Polycarbonate
Parts in Selective Laser Sintering.Ó The
1995 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, pp.181-188, Austin, TX. August
36. I.Y. Tumer, I.J. Busch-Vishniac, K.L. Wood, ÒModeling of Dynamic Errors Caused by
the Beam Delivery System in Selective Laser Sintering.Ó The 1995 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, pp.353-361, Austin,
TX. August 1995.
Education Related Articles:
37. I.Y. Tumer and A. Bajwa, ÒLearning about how Aircraft Engines Work and FailÓ. The
1999 Joint Propulsion Conference, Propulsion Education session, Los
Angeles, CA. June 1999.
38. I.Y. Tumer and L.F.
Arthur, ÒBenefits of Team-Teaching for Doctoral Students Preparing for an
Academic Career.Ó The 1998 ASEE Annual
Conference, Graduate Studies Division, Seattle, Washington. June 1998. Best
Paper Award.
39. E. Matsumoto, L.F.
Arthur, I.Y. Tumer, J. Gray, ÒHow to Establish an ASEE Student Chapter?Ó The 1997 ASEE Annual Conference,
Milwaukee, WI, Paper No.2312. June 1997.
40. R. Cavin,
I.Y. Tumer, M.W. Foohey, ÒDesign of Work Jigs to
Assist the Disabled in Sheltered Workshops in the Production of Sample Display
Chains.Ó The 1995 Rehab. Engineering Society of North America Conference (RESNA
'95), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp.725-727. June 1995. Winner of the Design Competition.
Book Chapters/Dissertation/Technical Reports
& Articles:
1. I.Y. Tumer, R.S. Srinivasan, K.L. Wood, ÒAnalysis and Synthesis of
Engineering Surfaces to Bridge Manufacturing and Design.Ó Invited book chapter,
Computer Aided and Integrated
Manufacturing Systems Techniques and Applications, Volume VI: Manufacturing
Systems Processes. pp. 1:1-45. CRC Press. 2001.
2. I.Y. Tumer, ÒSystem Design
Methods for Effective Fault Prevention and Management.Ó Invited book chapter, Systems Health Monitoring. 2010.
3. I.Y. Tumer, ÒFoundations of
Condition Monitoring for Design and Manufacturing.Ó Doctoral Dissertation. The
University of Texas at Austin. May 1998.
4. S. Hayden, I.Y. Tumer,
ÒPreliminary report of mission design and operations for critical events.Ó NASA
CR-2005-213472. 2005.
5. K. Ngo and I.Y. Tumer,
ÒImpact of variations on 1-D flow in gas turbine engines.Ó NASA TM 2004-212844.
6. L. Chao and I.Y. Tumer, ÒCase
study of engineering peer meetings in JPLÕs ST-6 project.Ó NASA TM 2004-212842.
7. L. Chao, I.Y. Tumer, and D.G.
Bell, ÒA study of technical engineering peer reviews at NASA.Ó NASA TM
8. I.Y. Tumer. Invited article, Advanced
Manufacturing Technology Newsletter. Vol.21, No.8, 2002.