Illustration Requirements
Large movie with description, citation, and hyperlink.
Notice that this copyright statement includes the symbol, the date published, and the person or company that owns the right to use the media. Also, notice that the image or movie is large and includes a description.

Some projects require the use of illustrations or movies. Only add what is required and no more. Use illustrative, supportive, detailed media, such as movies, charts, graphs, maps, or infographics.

  1. Generic, decorative pictures and logos will not earn points. Memes without text/description will not earn points.
  2. Use a full original paragraph to describe the media.
  3. Add the copyright statement provided by the owner of the media (not Google Images or YouTube): © year owner name. Example: © 2016 Samsung Group
  4. Hyperlink the copyright statement with the movie source URL and add it to the bibliography.
  5. Copyright dates can usually be found in the footer of the original website.
  6. Enlarge the media to fill the space provided in the template.

Compare Informative to Non-informative Illustrations:
These illustrations are not informative:
This illustration does not inform; it is merely decorative. This illustration does not inform; it is merely decorative. This illustration does not inform; it is merely decorative.
These illustrations are informative: