Checking originality in TurnItIn

When you submit a PDF file to a Canvas Assignment, it will be loaded into TurnItIn's plagiarism checking system called the Originality Report. Within a few minutes of submission, you should be able to see the report to confirm that you have not plagiarized.

If you plagiarize a sentence or two, your score is reduced by up to 1 point. If you plagiarize several sentences or paragraphs on a page, then the entire page or paragraph earns a 0 score. If you plagiarize an entire document, then the score for the project is 0 and you get reported to the Writing Center for help and the Academic Integrity committee.

Follow these steps to ensure you do not plagiarize:

  1. Click on the colored flag icon in the Grades or Assignment area to view the Originality Report.
    Do not rely on the color of the flag or the percentage because it is misleading.
  2. Do not rely on the color of the flag or the percentage because it is misleading.
  3. You are expected to view it every time you submit and make corrections if necessary.
  4. You can ignore these kinds of highlighting:
  5. Clicking a highlighted item provides more detail about that source.
  6. If you see any actual plagiarism highlighted (see the Comparision below), you can revise your file and resubmit before the Due date.
  7. If you try to submit a second draft after the Available Until date, it will not be accepted.
Comparison of Plagiarism and Synthesism with required citation method