Grading and Collaboration Policy

Grade Breakdown

Grades will be computed using the following weights.

  • 50% Course Project
  • 50% Participation, which includes:
    • Submit Hasklets.
    • Peer feedback on Hasklets, project proposals, and milestones.
    • Participating in discussions.
    • Other tasks related to participating in the class.

Grades are assigned using the following standard ranges, after rounding.

≥ 93% = A 90–92% = A-
87–89% = B+ 83–86% = B 80–82% = B-
77–79% = C+ 73–76% = C 70–72% = C-
60–69% = D
≤ 59% = F

Collaboration policy

Each student should work on Hasklets independently and should submit only their own work. This is important for two reasons: (1) It ensures we will have a diverse set of solutions to discuss, and (2) you will get more out of the workshop if you struggle with the problem on your own first. Since Hasklets are not graded strictly for correctness, there is minimal incentive to do otherwise.

You may collaborate freely on projects. However, all members of a project group should contribute significantly to each aspect of the project. If you receive significant help from someone outside of your project team, please acknowledge them in the project’s README file.

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