Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, 3rd Ed

Timothy A. Budd

Chapter 11

Static and Dynamic Behavior


  1. Roadmap
  2. What do the terms Static and Dynamic mean?
  3. Static and Dynamic Typing
    1. Arguments for and Against
  4. The Polymorphic Variable
  5. Static Class and Dynamic Class
  6. Importance of the Static Class
  7. Reverse Polymorphism
    1. Two aspects of Reverse Polymorphism
    2. The container Problem
  8. Static and Dynamic Method Binding
    1. Documenting Method Binding
    2. Method Binding in C++
    3. Merits of Static versus Dynamic Method Binding
  9. Chapter Summary

Other Material

Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Outline


In this chapter we will examine how differences in static and dynamic features effect object-oriented programming languages.
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What do the terms Static and Dynamic Mean?

In Programming languages:
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Static and Dynamic Typing

In a statically typed programming language (Java or Pascal), for example, variables have declared typed -- fixed at compile time.

In a dynamically typed programming language (Smalltalk or CLOS), a variable is just a name. Types are associated with values, not variables. A variable can hold different types during the course of execution.

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Arguments for and Against

Static and Dynamically typed languages have existed as long as there have been programming languages. Arguments for and against: Both arguments have some validity, and hence both types of languages will continue to exist in the future.
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The Polymorphic Variable

The addition of object-oriented ideas in a statically typed languages adds a new twist. Recall the argument for substitution: an instance of a child class should be allowed to be assigned to a variable of the parent class:
	pet : Mammal;
	fido : Dog;
	felice: Cat;
	pet := fido; // legal
	pet := felice; // legal
	fido := pet; // not legal!
Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 05

Static Class and Dynamic Class

In a statically typed language we say the class of the declaration is the static class for the variable, while the class of the value it currently holds is the dynamic class.

Most statically typed OO languages constrain the dynamic class to be a child class of the static class.

	pet : Mammal;
	fido : Dog
	pet := fido; // static class is Mammal, dynamic class is Dog
Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 06

Importance of Static Class

In a statically typed object-oriented language, the legality of a message is determined at compile time, based on the static class.

A message can produce a compile error, even if no run-time error could possibly arize:

class Mammal { }
class Dog extends Mammal { 
	void speak() { System.out.println("woof"); }

Mammal pet = new Dog;
pet.speak(); // will generate error, Mammals don't speak
Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 07

Reverse Polymorphism

Polymorphism says we can assign a value from a child class to an instance of the parent class, but can this assignment then be reversed? Under what conditions?

	pet : Mammal;
	fido : Dog;
	felice : Cat;
	pet := fido;	// legal
	fido := pet;	// is this legal? 

This is known as the problem of reverse polymorphism.
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Two aspects of reverse polymorphism

There are two specific problems associated with the question of reverse polymorphism.

In some languages mechanisms are provided to address these two problems together, while in other languages they are separated.

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The Container Problem

The task of reverse polymorphism is often encountered in connection with a collection of values - we have a list of items from the parent class (say a list of Mammals), and when we extract a value we need to know if it is a more specific type.

Generally occurs in languages with a single inheritance tree, where the only type we may have associated with a value is the class ``Object''.

Solving this problem generally requires values to have ``self knowledge'' of their own type. In some languages they do, in some languages values do not.

Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 10

A case study examining one solution to the container class problem will be presented in a later chapter.
Java, unfortunately, uses to term Container to mean a type of graphical component, and not a collection class, as is common in most other languages.

Static and Dynamic Method Binding

Should the binding for information be associated with the static class of a variable or the dynamic class.

Alice holds a small Mammal - asks Bill ``does this animal give birth to live young''.

Static answer - All mammals give birth to live young - therefore yes.

What if the Mammal is a platypus? Dynamic answer - Platypus lay eggs, therefore no.

Even statically typed OOP languages can use dynamic binding. But may use static type to determine legality of operation.

Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 11

Documenting Method Binding

In many languages dynamic binding is the default. If a child class overrides a method in the parent, using the same type signature, then the selected method will be determined by the dynamic type.

In other languages (C++, Delphi, C#) the programmer must indicate which methods are dynamically bound and which are statically type. In C#, for example, this is done using the virtual keyword.
class Animal {
	virtual void speak () { cout << "Animal Speak !\n"; }
	void reply () { cout << "Animal Reply !\n"; }

class Dog : Animal {
	override void speak () { cout << "woof !\n"; }
	void reply () { cout << "woof again!\n"; }

class Bird : Animal {
	virtual void speak () { cout << "tweet !\n"; }

	Animal a;
	Dog b;
woof !
	a  = b;
woof !
	Bird c;
tweet !
	a = c;
tweet !

Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 12

Method Binding in C++

C++ is the most complex language. Not only must the programmer use the virtual keyword, but true polymorphism only occurs with pointer or reference variables.
class Animal {
	virtual void speak () { cout << "Animal Speak !\n"; }
	void reply () { cout << "Animal Reply !\n"; }

class Dog : public Animal {
	virtual void speak () { cout << "woof !\n"; }
	void reply () { cout << "woof again!\n"; }

class Bird : public Animal {
	virtual void speak () { cout << "tweet !\n"; }

	Animal * a;
	Dog * b = new Dog();
woof !
	a  = b;
woof !
	Bird c = new Bird();
tweet !
	a = c;
tweet !

Intro OOP, Chapter 11, Slide 13

We will see an explanation for the curious C++ semantics when we discuss memory management in the next chapter.

Merits of Static versus Dynamic Method Binding

Arguments concerning static versus dynamic binding mirror those concerning static versus dynamic typing.

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Chapter Summary

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