Re: parallelization of potential operations

Finn Verner Jensen (
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 18:05:04 +0100

Rina Dechter wrote:

> Anders,
> Another general approach to parallelizm, is conditioning:
> Select a subset of variables and let each processor compute
> the belief (or mpe) conditioned on a single instantiation of this
> subset. (Of course, if you dont have enough processors assign each
> a subset of assignments to the conditioning set)
> This, autmatically partitions table multiplication between
> processors (the computation in each processor can be by join-tree
> clustering or any other manner).

Our analysis (and also other's) shows that local conditioning is less
efficient than the conceptually more simple method of parallelizing table
operations (if the complexity in splitting up is close to linear in the
number of processors used). Only, we do not know of any implementation of
this (we thought) rather straight forward approach.
