Re: BN prior prob

Bob Welch (
Sun, 6 Jun 1999 13:02:34 -0600

Dongsong :

If you start with an imprecise or "uninformative" prior, then updating with
new evidence will generate a more precise or informed posterior -- how much
more informed depends on the likelihood's ability to discriminate.

But Bayesian updating does not necessarily result in more precision -- the
prior could have been very precise and the evidence a surprise given that
prior -- this results in a less precise posterior.

Eventually (as more and more "surprising" evidence is observed), the
posterior becomes more precise as it concludes that the original priors were


-----Original Message-----
From: Dongsong Zeng <>
Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 12:28 PM
Subject: BN prior prob

>if my Belief Networks starts with unprecise prior probabilities, can I get
>precise results? How and Why? Any advices are highly appreciated.
>Thank you very much.
> --
>Dongsong Zeng