Mike Bailey, PhD
Latest update: December 16, 2024
Mike Bailey is a Professor in
Computer Science
Oregon State University.
He specializes in scientific visualization,
3D interactive computer graphics,
parallel programming (particularly GPU-based).
Mike also has a long-held interest in teaching, having exceeded the
13,000 students-taught-in-class mark, and having won numerous university and external awards.
Oregon State University
Computer Science
2117 Kelley Engineering Center
Corvallis, OR 97331-5501
F: 541-737-1300
-- Here are directions to the Kelley Engineering Center.
-- Here is a zoomed-out map.
-- Here is a zoomed-in map.
If you want further directions, the "unofficial" address of
the Kelley Engineering Center is "2500 SW Monroe Street, Corvallis, OR".
GPS units and Google Maps seem to know what to do with this.
Ph.D. in Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design
| Purdue University.
Master of Science in Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design
| Purdue University.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (with Highest Honors)
| Purdue University
Professor, Computer Science
| Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Professor, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering
| University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA.
Director of Visualization
| San Diego Supercomputer Center; San Diego, CA.
Director of Advanced Development
| Megatek Corporation; San Diego, CA.
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
| Purdue University; West Lafayette, IN.
Computer Aided Design Technical Staff
| Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.
Professional Activities
- OSU Faculty Senate Executive Committee: 2013-2016, 2022-2025.
- Faculty Member on the OSU Board of Trustees, 2016-2021.
- OSU Faculty Senate President, 2015.
- OSU Faculty Senate, 2008-2019, 2022-2025..
- Co-author (with Steve Cunningham): Computer Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice, Taylor and Francis, 2012.
- Chair, national Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) group, 1993-1997.
- United States Patent 5,185,858: Image Priority Video Switch, 1991.
- Member, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH), ACM's Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC).
- SIGGRAPH Executive Committee, 1986-1990
- ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Co-Chair, 1991.
- ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Committee, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1994, 2011.
- IEEE Visualization Conference Chair, 2001.
- Guest Editor, Computer Graphics and Applications special issue on Graphics in Education, September 2005.
- Technical Chair, VRML '95 Symposium, December 1995.
Honors and Awards
- Inducted into SIGGRAPH Academy, 2024.
- ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Educator Award, 2024.
- OSU College of Engineering Alumni Award, 2023.
- OSU EECS Faculty of the Year Award, 2017, 2021, 2022.
- ACM SIGGRAPH Service Award, 2015.
- OSU EECS Innovative Professor Award, 2014, 2023.
- OSU Beaver Champion award, 2012.
- OSU College of Engineering Austin Paul teaching award, 2008.
- OSU EECS Most Enthusiastic Professor Award, 2005.
- UCSD Barbara and Paul Saltzman Distinguished Teaching Award, 2002.
- UCSD Computer Science Teacher of the Year award: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.
- San Diego Girl Scouts Spirit Award, 2000.
- Connect Athena Pinnacle award for K-12 outreach activities, 1999.
- Purdue SAE Ralph Teetor Award, 1983, for excellence in teaching and student service.
Research Activities
Research areas of interest include a variety of topics in the general field
of scientific computer graphics,
with a specific interest in GPU-based techniques,
solid freeform fabrication for visualization hardcopy,
stereographics, and augmented reality.
Research Projects
University Education Classes and Notes
Other Notes
K-12 Outreach Projects and Notes
Current Students
Current Grad Students:
- Ali Alsalehy
- Ninad Anklesaria
- Nirmit Patel
- Hojun Shin
- Grace Todd
- Jian Tang
Current Honors Students:
- Nuha Faaizah
- Shengdong (Andy) Li
Former Graduate Students and Where They Went
- Candace Rush (General Electric)
- Bill Charlesworth (International TechneGroup)
- Steve Van Frank (LynxSys)
- Dave Plunkett (BugSplat)
- Jim Freeman (Hughes Aircraft)
- Dave Nadeau (San Diego Supercomputer Center)
- Jack Middleton (Sun Microsystems)
- David Isacoff (NSA)
- Roger Spreen (Adobe)
- Rich Crawford (University of Texas)
- Dan Fagan (Ford)
- Cherilynn Michaels (Orincon)
- Timothy Wang
- Steve Lukas (Qualcomm)
- Wolfgang Bloem (IBM)
- Daniel New (SPAWAR)
- Kyle Bulloch (Hewlett-Packard)
- Dru Clark (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
- Matt Clothier
- Nick Gebbie (Bunkspeed)
- John Datuin (General Atomics)
- Daniel Moffitt (Microsoft)
- Ankit Khare (Midway Games)
- Avneet Sandhu (Mentor Graphics)
- Vasu Lakshmanan (Expedia)
- Dwayne Robinson (Microsoft)
- Kyle Hatcher (Mygistics)
- Chris Janik (Intel)
- Adam Leibel (Intel)
- Chuck Evans (Intel)
- Chris Moore (University of Hawaii)
- Sudarshanram Shetty (Intel)
- Nick Schultz (Intel)
- Matthew Reed
- Will Dillon (Racepoint Energy)
- Alex Wiggins (Racepoint Energy)
- David Burri
- Michael Tichenor (Cricut)
- Randy Rauwendaal (Apple)
- Justin Carr (OSU Business Systems Group)
- Ben Tribelhorn (University of Portland faculty)
- Viriya Ratanasangpunth (Amazon)
- Bryan Pawlowski (Timberline Studios)
- Chris Schultz (NVIDIA)
- Wojtek Rajski (Intel)
- Jim Schneidereit (Concur)
- William Leslie (Intel)
- Matt Viehdorfer (Oregon Health Sciences University)
- Hongyan Yin (Tableau)
- Basim Iskandarani (Royal Commission Yanbu Colleges and Institutes)
- David Stuve (Philips Neuro)
- Matt Clothier
- Sean Moore
- Ali Alsalehy (University College of Jubail, Saudi Arabia)(OSU OhD program)
- Wenbo Hou (Amazon)
- Louis Panton (CoreAVI)
- Jian Tang (OSU PhD program)
- Richard Cunard (Natural Point)
- Mohan Khoshzahan
- Rohan Borkar (Microsoft)
- Braxton Cuneo (Seattle University faculty)
- Nathan DeStafeno
- Grace Todd
Parting Thought
"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
-- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets