Species Identification

There are two modules in the implementation. These modules run in batch mode. The first one performs basal image processing. It extracts features that describe the shape of the leaves. The second module embeds the dynamic program and performs the stint of template matching and species prediction.

 The following configurations have been considered:

The features extracted by the first module are the angles measured at each pixel point along the boundary of the leaves. The actual procedure for extracting these angles is described later. The angles recorded along a boundary form a sequence, which is input to the dynamic program. The output of the dynamic program is the cost of the best path match between two streams corresponding to the two leaf-shapes being compared. To predict the species of an unknown leaf, the leaf shape is compared to all template leaves using the dynamic programming algorithm. The K best matches are selected. Each of the K nearest neighbors votes in favor of its (annotated) species, and the species that gets the most votes is predicted to be the species of the input (unknown) leaf shape.

Image Processing

Color segmentation is performed to separate out the leaf pixels from the background pixels. The scanned pictures of the leaves are not void of dust, seeds, and other particles. Filtering is required to remove this unwanted noise. A morphological operator called erosion was applied to remove pixels corresponding to such noise. The images are converted to a matrix of binary values 0 and 1 or ON and OFF. ON corresponds to pixels belonging to the leaf area, and the rest of the cells in the matrix are OFF (see figure 1). For each island of ON pixels, its boundary is extracted.  

Figure 1: Image processing for isolated leaf

Figure 2: Image processing for herbarium samples

The procedure for navigating the boundary starts by scanning from pixel (0,0) – left to right, bottom to top – until it finds the first leaf-pixel, i.e. a pixel that is ON. It extracts all boundaries in the anti-clockwise direction. To do this, at each pixel it keeps track of the direction followed to reach that pixel. The direction at the start pixel is RIGHT (At each pixel, one of four directions is possible – RIGHT, LEFT, UP and DOWN). Depending on the current direction, a search is done for the next boundary pixel in the counter-clockwise direction. The trace ends when we return to the start pixel. Each closed boundary that is extracted from the image is called an island.

The island boundaries that are significantly smaller compared to the size of the whole image are rejected. Specifically, a boundary of size less than one-tenth the height of the entire images may be considered insignificant.

Search in raster order for first pixel that is ON
Let it be P[i][j]

Switch (direction)

Case RIGHT:     if (P[i+1][j-1]=ON) {direction=DOWN; P[i+1][j-1] is the next pixel}
                        else if (P[i+1][j]=OFF) {direction=UP; still at the same pixel}
                        else P[i+1][j] is the next pixel

Case LEFT:       if (P[i-1][j+1]=ON) {direction=UP; P[i-1][j+1] is the next pixel }
                        else if (P[I-1][j]=OFF) {direction=DOWN; still at the same pixel }
                        else P[i-1][j] is the next pixel

Case UP:          if (P[i+1][j+1]=ON) {direction=RIGHT; P[i+1][j+1] is the next pixel }                                         else if (P[i][j+1]=OFF) {direction=LEFT; still at the same pixel }
                        else P[i][j+1] is the next pixel  

Case DOWN:    if (P[i-1][j-1]=ON) {direction=LEFT; P[i-1][j-1] is the next pixel }
                        else if (P[i][j-1]=OFF) {direction=RIGHT; still at the same pixel }
                        else P[i][j-1] is the next pixel

Record the next pixel coordinates
Repeat the above case until back to the start pixel

Boundary extraction algorithm

The pseudo code above outputs the coordinates of the pixels along the boundary of the leaves. The coordinates are converted into a stream of angles before applying the dynamic programming algorithm. Figure 3 shows how this conversion is done. At each pixel, we construct a polygon approximation of the local curvature and measure the exterior angle A as shown in figure 3. To obtain the exterior angle at pixel i along the boundary, we compute the angle between the line segment joining pixel i to pixel i-10 and the line segment joining pixel i to pixel i+10. The sequence of angles measured along the boundary in counter clockwise direction gives a one-dimensional stream representation of the boundary.

Figure 3: Angle measurements along the boundary


Figure 4: Scalar representation of boundary


Dynamic Programming for Leaf-Shape Recognition 

Pattern matching for leaf-shape recognition should obey following two rules:

  1. It should be invariant to translation, rotation and scaling of the shapes.

  2. It should be able to handle deformities, occlusions and overlaps.

 The first rule is required of any shape matching technique. The second condition is a special rule necessary for the digital images obtained from the herbarium. No two leaves of same species have exactly similar shapes. Some leaves might be deformed, folded or even overlapping. These distortions have to be handled.

The Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm is a good general approach for matching similar signals. It can be used to compare objects with stored templates. Only, a good one-dimensional representation for two-dimensional shapes is required. Scalar transformation of Cartesian representation of the boundary into a one-dimensional signal generally filters out the location information. Rotation of the original shape results in a cyclic shift in the one-dimensional representation.  

Ideas from DNA (biological) sequence matching algorithm can be borrowed to allow multiple gaps and occlusions. A dynamic programming algorithm for matching whole, partial and overlapped shapes is shown below. The term Qi,k determines gaps in one of the sequences. For each gap, a penalty wk proportional to the length of the gap is added to minimum distance path. The term Si,j, which is split into terms Pi,j and Ri,j, allows overlaps, i.e. allows the same part of the second pattern to match multiple parts of the first pattern.


Let A=a1a2…aM and B=b1b2…bN be the two sequences to be compared
Di, j = Min [ Di-1,j-1 , Di-1,j + W1 , Di,j-1 + W2 , Si,j , Qi,j ] + d(ai,bj)  
Where, W1 and W2 are constant penalties,  

Qi, j = Min [ Di,k + wk ]       and
Si, j = Min [ Dk, j-1 ]  + W3

wk = W4k  (u≥0, v≥0) is the linear gap penalty for a gap of length k
W3 and W4 are a constants  

Si,j can be split into two terms Pi,j and Ri,j
   Pi, j = Min [ Dk, j-1 ]  + W3
   Ri, j = Min [ Dk, j-1 ]  + W3     and
  Si, j = Min [ Pi, j , Ri,j ]

Di, j = Min [ Di-1,j-1 , Di-1,j + Penalty1 , Di,j-1 + Penalty1 , Pi,j , Qi,j , Ri,j] + d(ai,bj)

The cost of the minimum distance path is the minimum of all Di,N

 Dynamic Program for shape recognition

This algorithm just like the earlier algorithms iterates MN times. In each iteration, minimum of five terms, viz. Di-1, j-1 , Di-1,j + W1 , Di,j-1 + W2 , Si,j , Qi,j , must be calculated. By an inductive process, Si, j (i.e. Pi, j and Ri, j) , Qi,j can be calculated in single step as shown below. Thus, each iteration executes in constant time, and the algorithm runs in O(MN).

Qi,j = Min [ Di-1,j + w1 ,  Min ( Di-k,j + wk ) ]
     = Min [ Di-1,j + w1 , Min ( Di-1-k,j + wk+1 ) ]
     = Min [ Di-1,j + w1 , Min ( Di-1-k,j + wk ) + W4 ]
     = Min [ Di-1,j + w1 , Qi-1,j  +  W4 ]

Si,j = Min [ Pi, j , Ri,j ]

Pi, j = Min [ Dk,j-1 ]  + W3
      = Min [ Di,j-1 , Min ( Dk,j-1) ]
      = Min [ Di,j-1 , Pi-1,j ]            

Ri,j = Min [ Di,j-1 , Ri-1,j ]

Inductive calculation of Si,j and Qi,j

Figure below illustrates the significance of such an algorithm. It shows matching of an isolated whole leaf template with two unknown overlapping leaves. Note the unknown pattern is along the horizontal and the known pattern is along the vertical. Initially, the minimum distance path consists of cells corresponding to matching elements of the isolated leaf pattern with the left side leaf of the two overlapped leaves. The first three terms in calculation of Di,j determine this path. Then there is a jump (made possible by terms Pi,j and Ri,j) in the path, and the isolated leaf pattern starts matching the boundary of right side leaf. The figure also illustrates the wrap around. Finally, the overlapped area of the two leaves does not match anything on the isolated leaf and hence results in a gap. The gaps can be attributed to term Qi,j in calculation of Di,j. The minimum distance path starts from the first column and terminates at the last column. The cost of the minimum distance path is the minimum of all Di,N values in the last column.

W1 and W2 should be set to small values. A small value larger than zero makes diagonal moves preferable. Constant W3 determines the threshold for gap inclusion. W4 assures that there are no arbitrary jumps in an attempt to match the same part of known sequence with different parts of the unknown sequence.   

Retrieval and Prediction

The dynamic programming algorithm described above compares the stream of angles obtained for given input leaf against all of the templates in the library i.e. the training set. The cost of the minimum distance path for each match is calculated. Finally, the K best matches, i.e. the templates that give minimum cost are picked out. A majority of the retrieved images is expected to belong to the same species as the unknown leaf. The retrieved images vote in favor of their (annotated) species, and the species that gets the most votes is predicted to be the species of the unknown leaf shape. 

For an input image of an isolated leaf, predicting its class is easy. After retrieving the K best matches, the species with the largest number of images retrieved from database is predicted as the species of the unknown leaf. An herbarium sample image after image processing may produce more than one island. In this case, each boundary is used to retrieve K matches, and the species whose highest number of images is retrieved from the database is predicted as the class of the given input image.

If the only requirement is to predict the species of an unknown leaf image, then the template images need not be stored in the database. Only the boundary description and the annotations are required to be stored in the database. If the aim is to build a content-based image retrieval system, then the images can be preprocessed and the shape description can be stored along with the images for faster matching and retrieval.

The next section summarizes the performance of the implementation. The percentage accuracy in predicting the species of the unknown leaves is one way to evaluate performance. The precision-recall curves (section 4.2) show how relevant the retrieved images are to the querying image. The performance has been evaluated using six different species of leaves belonging to two genera, Acer (Maples) and Quercus (Oaks).

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