Introduce Yourself!

Due: Fri, Apr 2


In this mini-assignment you will briefly introduce yourself to me and your classmates. Since we’ll all be interacting a lot in this class, I think it’s important that we get to know each other a bit!

I’m also especially interested to know more about what you hope to get out of the course. This will help me steer the course in a direction that is most interesting and useful to as many students as possible.

What to Submit

Make a post to the “Introduce Yourself” Discussion in Canvas.

Your post should include:

  • At least 3-4 sentences of personal introduction. What you share is completely up to you, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Your current year of study, research group, advisor, etc.
    • What you prefer to be called, if different from the name in Canvas.
    • Where you’ve lived or where you’re from or where you’ve been hiding out for the last year from COVID.
    • Your background, for example, what you majored in as an undergrad (especially if not CS!), or what you did for work before grad school.
    • Your interests, hobbies, pets, etc.
  • Brief answers to all of the following questions:

    • Which PL courses have you taken at OSU? At other universities?
    • On a scale from 1 to Phil Wadler, how confident are you in your Haskell skills?
    • Do you know any other functional languages?
    • What programming languages do you know best?
    • What do you hope to learn or get out of this class?
  • One (or both) of the following:

    • An interesting, unusual, or fun fact about yourself (not covered in your personal introduction).
    • A picture of you doing something besides sitting in front of your webcam.

I’ve included an introduction for myself already, so you can see an example and also get to know me a bit more. It’s definitely fine if your intro is more concise than mine.

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