Introduce Yourself!

Due: Fri, Apr 5, 5pm


In this assignment you will tell me a little bit about yourself and your background. I know that most of you have taken a class with me before! However, this will help me get to know you a bit better and also help me assess your background knowledge in areas outside of the graduate-level PL courses.

The goals of this assignment are to:

  • Provide me with useful information for providing effective explanations and structuring the rest of the course.
  • Provide me with a photo and an interesting fact for everyone so I learn everyone’s names more easily.

What to Submit

Submit a single PDF file through Canvas.

Your PDF should include a photo with a clear picture of your face.

At the top of the file list:

  • Your name, and what you prefer to be called (if different).
  • Your current year of study (e.g. 1st year MS student).
  • Your research group and advisor (if applicable).

Below, please briefly answer the following questions (bullet points are encouraged):

  • Which PL courses have you taken at OSU? At other universities?
  • What programming language do you know best? What languages do you know well? What languages do you know a little bit?
  • What is the largest program you’ve ever written or contributed substantially to? Approximately how big was it?
  • Have you ever studied design patterns in school? Have you ever applied design patterns in “real” software? Which patterns do you know well?
  • What do you hope to learn in this class?
  • What is the most interesting fact about you, or unique experience you’ve had, that you can think of and write down in less than two minutes? (And that you haven’t shared with me in a previous class!)

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