






Group Blog

Photonic Design and Simulation:

* Rsoft V8.3RC5 design suite including BeamProp, Fullwave, Bandsolver, ModeProp, Diffract-Mod and FemSim, which can provide accurate design and simulation for photonic integrated circuit devices

* Comsol 4.3b for wave optics and RF& microwave simulation

* RF and microwave design software: Ansys HFSS V15

* Synopsis Medici for semiconductor device simulation (Materials and Devices Group)

* Other design software accessed through the School of EECS and the College of Engineering includes: Solidworks, Cadence and Matlab.

* Advanced simulation workstation HP Z400 with Xeon quad-core micro-processor and 24GB memory, which can provide enormous computation power

















Optical Scattering Method to characterize liquid droplet diffusion from Inkjet Printer

Thermo-reflectance Method to characterize thermal diffusivity of thin film

Fig.1 Simulation tools in the PI's lab for integrated nanophotonic devices

Fig.2 Some fabrication facilities for nanophotonic

Fig.3 Optical Characterization equipment for nanophotonic devices

Fabrication Facilities:

* The Owen Cleanroom at OSU has campus-shared photolithography facilities and thin-film deposition systems, including direct write laser lithography [Fig.2 (a)] and contacting photolithography to create micro- and nano- scale devices. Other commonly used fabrication facilities, such as electron beam metal sputtering [Fig.2 (b)], thermal evaporation, and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system are also available. Particular, we recently acquired an Oxford Plasmalab System100 ICP380 [Fig. 2 (c)] for metal etching through the sponsorship of Murdock Foundation.

* The Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF) provides advanced electron microscopy instrumentation services to OSU research communities. The facilities include FEI TITAN 80-200 TEM/STEM with ChemiSTEM Technology, FEI QUANTA 3D dual beam SEM-Ebeam lithography/FIB [Fig.2 (d)], FEI NOVA NanoSEM 230 high resolution SEM, and Leica DM 5000 computerized fluorescence optical microscope

* The REL 4800 Probe station with thermal control [Fig.2 (e)]

Device Characterization Facilities in Dr. Wang's Research Lab:

* Lab space: three optical characterization labs (Dearborn 206, Dearborn 302A, Owen 333) with more than 1,500 square feet; one shared wet-chemical lab (Dearborn 302) with more than 1,200 square feet

* Optical Testing Tables

* Three large (10' x 4') floating optical tables with vibration isolation

* Four floating optical breadboard tables (5' x 3')

* Optical Coupling System

* Thorlabs APT NanoTrak Auto-alignment Controller [Fig. 3 (a)]

* Thorlabs Max311D 3-Axis NanoMax Stage, Closed-Loop Piezos [Fig.3 (b)]

* Surface-normal optical coupling system for grating coupler or nanoantennas [Fig.3 (c)]

* Multiple Thorlabs and Newport 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis alignment stages

* High-Speed Optoelectronic Characterization

* Agilent 86100A digital communication analyzer with 86109A optoelectronic module (30GHz optical and 40GHz electrical bandwidth) [Fig. 3(d)]

* HP 8510C Network Analyzer (45 MHz- 50 GHz) (shared facility at Microwave Lab)

* 10GHz LiNbO3 intensity modulator

* Thorlabs 818-BB-35 12.5GHz photodetector & APD310 high gain detector

* Laser & Light Sources:

* Carlmar femtosecond pulsed fiber laser: 0.1ps pulse, 20mW [Fig. 3(e)]

* HP 8168A tunable laser [Fig. 3 (f)]

* Newport 2010M tunable DFB laser: 1.48-1.62 μm

* Newport 5-channel DWDM laser array at C-band

* Thorlabs broadband IR ASE diode laser: 1.5-1.6 μm

* NKT super-K compact light source (400-2400nm wavelength) [Fig.3 (g)]

* Thorlab S9FC1004P semiconductor optical amplifier

* Two Mellis-Griot HeNe lasers: 632.8 nm, 5mW

* SDL CW high power CW fiber laser: 1112nm, 10W

* LSI DLM-220 dye laser: 514nm, 3ns pulse

* Three Nd:YAG lasers: 1064 nm and 512 nm, 10W

* Avantes white light source: vis-IR

* Intralux fiber optic illuminator

* Various semiconductor laser diodes and LEDs

* Photodetectors and power meters:

* VIC silicon photomultiplier

* Two Thorlab InGaAs fixed gain photodetectors

* Thorlab BP209-IR beam profiler (900-1700nm)

* Newport PMKIT power meter: 0.1nm-2W

* Thorlab fiber-optic power meter: 800-1700nm

* Thorlab USB PM100 power and energy meter with Si and Ge detectors

* Optical spectroscopy equipment:

* Thorlab OSA203 Optical spectrum analyzer (1.0-2.6μm) [Fig. 3 (h)]

* Ando AQ6317B optical spectrum analyzer (0.4-1.7 μm)

* HP70951 optical spectrum analyzer (0.6-1.7 μm)

* Ocean-optics USB2000 UV-VIS spectrum analyzer

* Three Chromex scanning monochromators

* Electronic equipment:

* Three Princeton Applied Research lock-in amplifier, and one Stanford Research amplifiers up to 250MHz [Fig. 3 (i)]

* Fluke 1GHz function generator, multiplex Tektronix function generators

* Three Tektronix digital oscilloscopes

* Dual channel Wavetek synthesized arbitrary waveform generator

* Standford Research 4-channel pulse and delay generator

* 1500V voltage supply

* Misc. equipment: Various fiber splitters, Thorlabs PCFFB1550Bench Fiber-optic polarizers [Fig.3 (j)], attenuators, and isolators, Fabry-Perot interferometer