11. Temporal Logic Robustness for General Signal Classes.
H. Abbas, Y.V. Pant and R. Mangharam. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC). April 2019.
10. Model validation of PWM DC-DC converters.
O. Beg, H. Abbas, T. Johnson and A. Davoudi. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. March 2017.
9. Relaxed Decidability and the Robust Semantics of Metric Temporal
H. Abbas, M. O’Kelly, and R. Mangharam, In Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Pittsburgh, April 2017
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8. Formal Property Verification in a Conformance Testing Framework
H. Abbas, H. Mittelmann and G. Fainekos, , In the Proc. of MEMOCODE 2014, Lausanne, October 2014.
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7. Towards Formal Specification Visualization for Testing and Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems
B. Hoxha, H. Bach, H. Abbas, A. Dokhanchi, Y. Kobayashi, and G. Fainekos, In the Proc. of DIFTS 2014, Lausanne, October 2014
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6. Robustness-Guided Temporal Logic Testing and Verification for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems
H. Abbas, B. Hoxha, G. Fainekos and K. Ueda, In the Proc. of IEEE-CYBER 2014, Hong Kong, June 2014.
Finalist for Best Student Paper Award.
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5. Functional Gradient Descent Method for Metric Temporal Logic Specifications
H. Abbas, A. Winn, G. Fainekos and A. Julius, In the Proc. of 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, June 2014.
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4. Computing Descent Direction of MTL Robustness for Nonlinear Systems
H. Abbas and G. Fainekos, In the Proc. of 2013 American Control Conference, Washington D.C., June 2013.
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3. Convergence Proofs for Simulated Annealing Falsification of Safety Properties
H. Abbas and G. Fainekos, (Invited) In the Proc. of 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, Oct. 2012.
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2. Probabilistic Temporal Logic Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems
H. Abbas, G. Fainekos, S. Sankaranarayanan, F. Ivancic, and A. Gupta, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 12, Issue 2, May 2013
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1. Linear Hybrid System Falsification through Local Search
H. Abbas and G. Fainekos, In the Proc. Of Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, Taipei, 2011.
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