Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, 3rd Ed

Timothy A. Budd

Chapter 2



  1. Roadmap
  2. Abstraction
  3. Information Hiding
  4. Abstraction in an Atlas
  5. Levels of Abstraction in OO Programs
    1. Packages and Name Spaces
    2. Clients and Servers
    3. Description of Services
    4. Interfaces
    5. An Implementation of an Interface
    6. A Method in Isolation
  6. Finding the Right Level of Abstraction
  7. Forms of Abstraction
    1. Is-a and Has-A Abstraction
      1. Has-A Abstraction
      2. Is-A Abstraction
    2. Encapsulation and Interchangeability
    3. The Service View
    4. Other Types of Abstraction -- Composition
    5. Patterns
  8. A Short History of Abstraction Mechanisms
    1. Assembly Languages
    2. Procedures and Functions
    3. Information Hiding -- The Problem of Stacks
    4. Modules
    5. Parnas's Principles
    6. Abstract Data Types
    7. Three Eons of History
    8. Objects- ADT's with Message Passing
  9. What does the Future Hold?

Other Material

Intro OOP, Chapter 2, Outline