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Object-Oriented programming holds encapsulation as an ideal, bundling all actions in one place. Can make for ``fat'' classes.
The STL separates data structures and algorithms. The data structures are relatively small. The algorithms are many. Can be mixed and matched.
Allows for a much smaller class library.
By convention, containers return a starting value in response to begin(), and a past-the-end value in response to end().
For example, to shuffle a vector of values:
random_shuffle (aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), randomInteger);
To see what iterators must do, consider a typical algorithm:
template <class T> iterator find (iterator first, iterator last, T & value) { while (first != last && *first != value) ++first; return first; }
Could be used to find values in an array, or in a list:
int data[100]; ... int * where = find(data, data+100, 7); list<int>::iterator where = find(aList.begin(), aList.end(), 7);
What makes iterators possible is that all of these can be overloaded.
In C++ even the function call operator (parenthesis operator) can be overloaded. Allows for creation of objects that can be used like functions.
class biggerThanThree { public: bool operator () (int v) { return v > 3; } };
Can be used to find the first value bigger than 3, for example.
Objects can take arguments computed at run-time, specialize functions in a way that simple functions cannot:
class biggerThan { public: biggerThan (int x) : testValue(x) { } const int testValue; bool operator () (int val) { return val > testValue; } }; list<int>::iterator firstBig = find_if (aList.begin(), aList.end(), biggerThan(12));
In functional languages, this kind of object is sometimes known as a curry.
A business, WorldWideWidgetWorks, manufactures widgets.
class Widget { public: // constructors Widget () : id_number (0) { } Widget (int a) : id(a) { } // operations int id () { return id_number; } void operator = (Widget & rhs) { id_number = rhs.id_number; } bool operator == (Widget & rhs) { id_number == rhs.id_number; } bool operator < (Widget & rhs) { id_number < rhs.id_number; } protected: int id_number; // widget identification number };
Inventory is two lists - items on hand, items on back order.
class inventory { public: // process order for widget type wid void order (int wid); // receive widget of type wid // in shipment void receive (int wid); protected: list <Widget> on_hand; list <int> on_order; };
void inventory::receive (int wid) // process a widget received in shipment { cout << "Received shipment of widget type " << wid << endl; list<int>::iterator we_need = find (on_order.begin(), on_order.end(), wid); if (we_need != on_order.end()) { cout << "Ship " << Widget(wid) << " to fill back order" << endl; on_order.erase(we_need); } else on_hand.push_front(Widget(wid)); }
void inventory::order (int wid) // process an order for a widget with given id number { cout << "Received order for widget type " << wid << endl; list<Widget>::iterator we_have = find_if(on_hand.begin(), on_hand.end(), WidgetTester(wid)); if (we_have != on_hand.end()) { cout << "Ship " << *wehave << endl; on_hand.erase(we_have); } else { cout << "Back order widget of type " << wid << endl; on_order.push_front(wid); } }
Created like an instance of a class, works like a function.
class WidgetTester { public: WidgetTester (int id) : test_id(id) { } int test_id; // define the function call operator bool operator () (Widget & wid) { return wid.id() == test_id; } };
typedef map<string, int> stringVector; typedef map<string, stringVector> graph; string pendleton("Pendleton"); string pensacola("Pensacola"); string peoria("Peoria"); string phoenix("Phoenix"); string pierre("Pierre"); string pittsburgh("Pittsburgh"); string princeton("Princeton"); string pueblo("Pueblo"); graph cityMap; cityMap[pendleton][phoenix] = 4; cityMap[pendleton][pueblo] = 8; cityMap[pensacola][phoenix] = 5; cityMap[peoria][pittsburgh] = 5; cityMap[peoria][pueblo] = 3; cityMap[phoenix][peoria] = 4; cityMap[phoenix][pittsburgh] = 10; cityMap[phoenix][pueblo] = 3; cityMap[pierre][pendleton] = 2; cityMap[pittsburgh][pensacola] = 4; cityMap[princeton][pittsburgh] = 2; cityMap[pueblo][pierre] = 3;
struct DistancePair { unsigned int first; string second; DistancePair() : first(0) { } DistancePair(unsigned int f, string & s) : first(f), second(s) { } }; bool operator < (DistancePair & lhs, DistancePair & rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; }
void shortestDistance(const graph & cityMap, const string & start, stringVector & distances) { // process a priority queue of distances to cities priority_queue<DistancePair, vector<DistancePair> , greater<DistancePair> > que; que.push(DistancePair(0, start)); while (! que.empty()) { // pull nearest city from queue int distance = que.top().first; string city = que.top().second; que.pop(); // if we haven't seen it already, process it if (0 == distances.count(city)) { // then add it to shortest distance map distances[city] = distance; // and put values into queue stringVector::iterator start, stop; start = cityMap[city].begin(); stop = cityMap[city].end(); for (; start != stop; ++start) que.push(DistancePair(distance + (*start).second, (*start).first)); } } }
Given that the STL is not OO, does this mean that OOP is dead?
No, only that inspiration can come from a number of sources, and not all problems are best solved in an OOP fashion.
However, many problems ARE best approached in an OOP manner.
Bottom line - know as much as you can about as many styles of programming as you can, and use the style most appropriate to the problem.