General Biology Concepts
Now we start to get into the real meat and potatoes of the course, and some of the original science concepts get fine-tunned to meet our goals.
Lets take a closer look at structure and function. Earlier we talked a little bit about how cells make up everything, but how do cells function in the first place? Take a look at this response to a quiz question regarding cells creating energy they will need, which in turn gives us energy, and makes us be able to function.
Interdependence can also be seen when it comes to cellular respiration and other major systems. As mentioned above, when it comes to humans there is a need of oxygen and glucose for the process of cellular respiration to take place. As a result, there is a dependence on the respirtory and digestive systems to provide cells with the adequete components they need. Take a look at the digestive system and how it helps bring vital nutrients into the body, and observe how cells depend on these systems to function correctly so they can too.