General Biology Skills

General Biology Concepts

When it came to general science skills, we talked about the importance of discovery and information conveyance. Most of the same is retained in this section, except there is now a greater focus on how information is visualized and made palpable. For example, it might be a little weird to describe what an apple is, but it is very easy to show an apple visually and have someone recognize it straight away. Likewise it might be difficult to describe what a cell is, but throughout this portfolio we have shown media with cells. As we talked about in the last section, biology mainly focuses on the observation of living organisms, and how complex systems give them life. Take a look at this media piece where the human Nervous system is talked about. Many visuals were used to make a complicated system seem rather simple, and many suttle references to other media forms are used to draw comparison, making description of complex things easier to grasp.

Another important skill when it comes to Biology is compare and contrast. Since complex systems are the name of the game, there are many similarites and differences to oberseve system by system. A similarity one can see in the human body is between the respiratory and urinary systems. Both are essentially just filtration systems, and you can read more about them in this systems comparison lab.