Human Concepts

When we get to the human side of things, boy do things become more and more complicated. Earlier in the portfolio we discussed movement, complexity of organs, and other general concepts with regards to our species and how we function. However we are not just all action, we have limits to what we can do. The body needs time to refresh and heal, this of course relates to sleep. We all need sleep, and many reports have long stated that people don't get enough sleep. And so if we are not getting adequete sleep, then we are essentially functioning at lower capability. For proper structure and function of the human body, sleep must be had. I mentioned in the previous section I was keeping track of my sleeping schedule for this very reason, and here is a visual representation of that throughout the term.

Another thing we as humans deal with are diseases. Throughout history diseases have been terrible, from the Black Death in 14th century Europe to COVID-19 just a few years ago, many diseases have come and taken their toll on humanity. However, the human body has a lot of defences to aid in the fight. That is the thing many do not consider, despite there existing many dangerous viruses, bacteria and parasites, the body has means to resist and combat illness. Take a look at this media piece giving an overview on the human body defences.