Human Skills
In the last section we covered diseases, but diseases are not the only worry us humans have to deal with. Injuries are also something we worry about, and we find ways to prevent them and what to do in the event of one. Since injuries can occur anytime, anywhere, and for any reason, it is important to take precautions of what you are doing. If injury still occurs, panic is not the way to deal with it but instead find a way to treat it, this usually requires some type of traning or experience beforehand. I wouldn't be stiching someone up if I did not know what I was doing, for example, nor would I simply put on a band-aid and call it good. Take a look at this joint safety checklist and first aid training media piece where these aspects of injury/accident prevention and treatment are covered. The safety checklist is done so with a science lab in mind, but some of elements can be taken for elsewhere such as if you were to go on a trip to the woods, the beach or a local park for a picnic.