Science Connections
Science connections can be thought of as, how does science influence or affect our lives? What scientific news or discoveries might alter our lifestyle decisions, how are the
ethics of science influencing their own discoveries? This topic can quickly become a slippery slope, filled with opposing ideas, controversies and dilemmas.
Throughout the Spring 2024 term I have been keeping track of two personal goals for myself. You can read more about this on the left in my Data Management media piece,
where I talk about ethical considerations between self-reporting data or being recorded by someone. The main focus however is how data can be manipulated or ignored
depending on what the desired outcome of a study might be. This can be dangerous because studies can be fraudulent or erroneous, yet the validity they bring can influence
people's decision making and thought process.
Science has made some great discoveries throughout history, and it has also made horrifying ones too. This relationship between what science tells us and what we do with it
is very special, because we may or may not like what we hear, but we still do something after hearing about it. To be clear science does not order one what to do, but merely
present some potentially vital information and allow the individual the opportunity to make sense of it and act accordingly. Even this portoflio is in some sense me, a pretend
scientist, sharing some information which might be of use. In a recent Disease Literacy media piece I talked about this precise topic, how even if you are not aware of all the
ins and outs of science, scientific news can be understood and allow for reflection. It is this special connection, special relationship, between science and an individual that
allows for discovery and knowledge to be available to those that seek it.