[UAI] Graphical model software

From: bert@mbfys.kun.nl
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 07:28:49 PST

  • Next message: Paul Bradley: "[UAI] KDD-2000 Call for Tutorial Proposals"


    We would like to announce BayesBuilder, a tool for constructing and
    testing Bayesian networks. This software can be used free of charge for
    non-commercial purposes.

    BayesBuilder supports the following features:
    - - User friendly graphical interface.
    - - Comprehensive help function.
    - - Defining several views on parts of the network, which is essential for
    building large networks.
    - - Importing networks from the Hugin Format, the Netica Format, the
    Microsoft Bayesian Network Format and the Bayesian Interchange Format.
    - - Exporting the status of the network to a database of cases, and
    importing from the cases database to the network.
    - - Undo/redo support.
    - - Automatic network layout.

    System requirements:
    Win32 Release for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT (4.0) on Intel
    hardware. A Pentium or faster processor. A minimum of 32
    megabytes of RAM is required. A minimum of 22 Mb on harddisk is
    required. Minimum desktop area: 800x600 pixels. Color pallette: 256

    For more information and for free downloading of BayesBuilder, please go

    BayesBuilder was used by our group to develop Promedas, a diagnostic
    decision support
    system for anaemia. For more information about Promedas and a free demo
    CD, see http://www.mbfys.kun.nl/snn/Research/promedas/

    Suggestions and comments are welcome.

    PO Box 9101
    6500 HB Nijmegen
    The Netherlands
    University of Nijmegen
    Tel.: +31-(0)24 3614241
    Fax.: +31-(0)24 3541435

    Best regards,

    Bert Kappen

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