[UAI] KDD-2000 Call for Tutorial Proposals

From: Paul Bradley (bradley@microsoft.com)
Date: Sun Jan 16 2000 - 20:09:03 PST

  • Next message: Seth Rogers: "[UAI] Extension: International Conference on Machine Learning"

                   KDD-2000 Call for Tutorial Proposals
               The Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference
                 on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

                   August 20-23, 2000, Boston, MA, USA


                          Call for Proposals

                  Tutorial Proposals due: March 6, 2000

    KDD-2000 Tutorials Chair: Raymond Ng, University of British
                               Columbia, (rng@cs.ubc.ca)

    Tutorials have become an essential component in many conferences and
    workshops related to data mining. This is partly because data mining is
    highly inter-disciplinary in nature. But this is also because
    tremendous progress in research and development has been made in the
    past decade. As a tradition, KDD conferences have been offering high
    quality tutorials on the very many aspects of data mining.

    For KDD-2000, we are seeking proposals for 4 to 8 tutorials. An ideal
    tutorial should stimulate synergy among the three different
    sub-communities in data mining, i.e., databases, machine learning and
    statistics. It may discuss novel data mining techniques, successful
    applications in data mining, and/or theme-oriented comprehensive

    Submission Details:
    Deadline: March 6, 2000
    Soft Copy to: rng@cs.ubc.ca (postscript preferred), or
    Hard Copy to: Raymond Ng, 2366 Main Mall, UBC, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T

    Proposal Details:
    1) Apart from the title of the proposal, it must clearly identify
       the intended audience, e.g., novice learners on statistical
       techniques, expert researchers on classification. An ideal tutorial
       should have an intended audience broader than a single sub-community.

    2) The proposal must identify the amount of time intended. For KDD-2000,
       tutorials may be 2-hour, 3-hour or 4-hour long.

    3) Enough materials should be included in the proposal to provide a sense
       of both the scope and depth of the tutorial. (In fact, the more
       detailed, the better.) In the proposal, it may specify the material to be

       covered for a 2-hour, 3-hour and/or 4-hour period.

    4) The proposal should include a short biography of each tutor (including
       address). For the proposed subject matter, on the one hand, the
       tutor must have appropriate qualification. On the other hand, the
       tutor must NOT focus mainly on his/her research results. KDD
       tutorials are not the forum for promoting one's research or product.
       If for certain parts of the tutorial, the material comes directly
       from the tutor's own research or product, please indicate that in the
    For further information, please contact Raymond Ng (rng@cs.ubc.ca).

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