[UAI] workshop on uncertainty in Arlington

From: Scott Ferson (scott@ramas.com)
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 19:01:04 PST

  • Next message: Richard Dybowski: "[UAI] UAI-2000 Knowledge-Data Fusion Workshop: Final Call for Papers"

    Its Nature, Analytical Treatment and Interpretation

    10-11 February 2000
    Key Bridge Marriott
    Arlington, Virginia

    This two-day forum on uncertainty will bring together theorists
    and practitioners in risk analysis, policy making, philosophy
    and computer science to address the emerging issues about what
    it means to admit we're unsure. The questions to be addressed

          What’s the real difference between wishful
          thinking and a prudent assumption?

          Is it essential to distinguish uncertainty
          from variability and ambiguity?

          Can Bayesian rationality be consistent with
          open and democratic decision making?

          Is probability theory the only consistent
          approach for handling uncertainty?

          What are the practical implications of
          epistemological constraints?

          When is a decision defensible even if the
          data it’s based on are incomplete?

          Do bright-line definitions of ‘adverse
          effects’ thwart optimal decision making?

    The conference is intended as a forum for discussion and
    debate, rather than merely a teaching workshop. The forum
    will be focused by short presentations by invited speakers
    and will allow ample time for open-format discussion and
    debate among all participants. Speakers include

      Timothy Barry, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
      Vicki Bier, University of Wisconsin at Madison
      Rosina Bierbaum, Environment Director, White House OSTP
      Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
      Mark Colyvan, University of Tasmania
      Douglas Dixon, Electric Power Research Institute
      Scott Ferson, Applied Biomathematics, (organizer)
      Adam Finkel, Director of Health Standards, OSHA
      Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, George Mason University
      Deborah Mayo, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
      Richard Neapolitan, Northeastern Illinois University
      Teddy Seidenfeld, Carnegie Mellon University
      Ronald Yager, Iona College

    The forum is sponsored by the Society for Risk Analysis,
    with co-sponsorship by the U.S. Army Engineer Research
    and Development Center and the Electric Power Research

    The deadline for early registration is 26 January 2000.
    Consult the webpage http://www.ramas.com/feb1011.htm for
    more information and registration details.

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