[UAI] UAI-2000 Knowledge-Data Fusion Workshop: Final Call for Papers

From: Richard Dybowski (richard@n-space.co.uk)
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 18:59:13 PST


    UAI-2000 Workshop on Fusion of Domain Knowledge
                with Data for Decision Support
             Stanford University, June 30, 2000

    >>> Final Call for Papers <<<

    Statistics and inductive machine learning are data-oriented tasks in which
    domain models are induced from data, but databases are not the only
    resource from which models can be derived. Domain knowledge is still an
    important resource, and refinements in knowledge engineering have made the
    construction of knowledge-based systems more tractable. But when both data
    and domain knowledge are available, how can these two resources be used
    together for the construction of decision support systems?

    The aim of the one-day workshop is to critically examine current approaches
    to integrating domain knowledge with data (knowledge-data fusion) and
    identify future areas of research. The emphasis is on sound theoretical
    frameworks rather than ad hoc approaches.

    Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
    * Practical applications of knowledge-data fusion. What lessons have been
    learnt from attempts to apply knowledge-data fusion to real-world decision
    * How are the various knowledge representation and inference frameworks
    that permit induction theoretically related to each other?
    * What frameworks enable an existing induced model, such as a neural
    network, to be incorporated into a proposed knowledge-based system?
    * How can knowledge-data fusion be applied to temporal data?

    Contributions describing work in progress as well as position papers are
    invited. Of particular interest are papers that combine theoretical
    discussion with practical examples, and papers that compare different

    The workshop will interest researchers working in artificial intelligence
    (uncertainty reasoning, machine learning, and knowledge engineering),
    decision theory, and statistics.

    The papers presented at the workshop will be published as Workshop Notes.
    Authors of the more interesting papers will be invited to write full-length
    versions to be published in a special issue of the International Journal of
    Uncertainty, Fuzziness, and Knowledge-Based Systems.

    Electronic submission of full papers: March 31, 2000
    Author notification of accepted papers: April 28, 2000
    Final Version of accepted papers: May 26, 2000

    Organizing Committee
    Richard Dybowski (King's College London) [contact point]
    James Myers (Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) TOR)
    Simon Parsons (University of Liverpool)

    Additional information can be found at

    Richard Dybowski PhD
    Research Fellow (Knowledge & Data Engineering)
    King's College London
    Medical Informatics Laboratory (Division of Medicine)
    4th Floor
    North Wing
    St Thomas' Hospital
    Lambeth Palace Road
    London SE1 7EH

    Tel (office): (0)20 7928 9292 extension 6429
    Tel (mobile): 079 76 25 00 92
    Fax: +44 (0)20 7928 4458
    E-mail: richard.dybowski@kcl.ac.uk
    Web site: http://www.umds.ac.uk/microbio/richard/richard.htm

    {Note: Currently using e-mail address richard@n-space.co.uk whilst link to
    Internet is being established in my new office at St Thomas' Hospital}

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