[UAI] UAI-2000: Final Call for Papers

From: Craig Boutilier (cebly@cs.toronto.edu)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 06:16:03 PST

  • Next message: Giuseppina Gini: "[UAI] Research fellowships"

                    The Sixteenth Conference on Uncertainty
                          in Artificial Intelligence

                              Stanford University,
                                  Stanford, CA
                             June 30 - July 3, 2000

    As we approach the new millenium, advances in the theory and practice of
    artificial intelligence have pushed intelligent systems to the forefront
    of the information technology sector. At the same time, uncertainty
    managament has come to play a central role in the development of
    these systems. The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial intelligence,
    organized annually under the auspices of the Association for Uncertainty
    in AI (AUAI) [http://www.auai.org], is the premier international forum
    for exchanging results on the use of principled uncertain-reasoning
    methods in intelligent systems.

    The Sixteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial, UAI-2000, will be
    held from June 30 - July 3, 2000, at Stanford University. The main
    technical program will be run from July 1-3, with UAI's regular tutorial
    program and several workshops to be held on June 30. As in 1998 in
    Madison, WI, this year the conference will be co-located with the
    International Conference on Machine Learning and the Conference on
    Compuational Learning theory.

     * The Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2000)

     * Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT-2000)

    Registrants to any of COLT, ICML, or UAI will be allowed to attend,
    without additional cost, the technical sessions of the other two

    Please check the UAI-2000 home page [http://www.cs.toronto.edu/uai2000]
    regularly for updates on conference details, submission requirements, etc.


                       UAI-2000: Final Call for Papers

    Uncertainty management is a key enabling technology for the development
    of intelligent systems. Since 1985, the Conference on Uncertainty in
    Artificial Intelligence (UAI) has been the primary international forum
    for exchanging results on the use of principled uncertain-reasoning
    methods in intelligent systems. The conference has catalyzed advances
    in fundamental theory, efficient algorithms, and practical applications.
    Theory and technology first presented at UAI have been proven by their
    wide application in the scientific, commercial, and industrial
    communities, and by the success of the systems in which these
    technologies have been employed. The UAI Proceedings have become a
    fundamental reference for researchers and practitioners who want to know
    about both theoretical advances and the latest applied developments in
    the field.

    The scope of UAI is wide, covering a broad spectrum of approaches to
    automated reasoning, learning, decision making and knowledge acquisition
    under uncertainty. Contributions range from those that that advance
    theoretical principles to those that provide insights through the
    empirical study of applications, from quantitative to qualitative
    approaches, from traditional to non-classical paradigms for uncertain
    reasoning, and from autonomous systems to those designed to support
    human decision making. We encourage submissions of papers for UAI-2000
    that report on advances in the core areas of representation, inference,
    learning, decision making, and knowledge acquisition, as well those
    dealing with on insights derived from the construction and use of
    applications involving uncertain reasoning.

    Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

     O Foundations

         * Relationships between different uncertainty calculi
         * Higher-order uncertainty and model confidence
         * Representation of uncertainty and preferences
         * Revision of belief, combination of information from
              multiple sources
         * Semantics of belief
         * Theoretical foundations of uncertainty and decision-making
         * Uncertainty and models of causality

     O Principles and Methods

        * Algorithms for reasoning and decision making under uncertainty
        * Automated construction of inference and decision models
        * Combination of models from different sources
        * Control of computational processes under uncertainty
        * Data structures for representation and inference
        * Decision making under uncertainty
        * Diagnosis, troubleshooting, and test selection
        * Enhancing human-computer interaction with uncertain reasoning
        * Explanation of results of uncertain reasoning
        * Formal languages to represent uncertain information
        * Hybridization of methodologies and techniques
        * Integration of logic with uncertainty calculi
        * Markov decision processes
        * Methods based on probability, possibilistic and fuzzy logic,
             belief functions, rough sets, and other formalisms
        * Multi-agent reasoning and Economic Models involving uncertainty
        * Planning under uncertainty
        * Qualitative methods and models
        * Reasoning at different levels of abstraction
        * Reinforcement Learning
        * Representation and Discovery of causal relationships
        * Resource-bounded Computation (inference, learning, decision making)
        * Statistical Methods for Automated Uncertain Reasoning
        * Temporal reasoning
        * Time-critical decisions
        * Uncertain reasoning and information retrieval
        * Uncertainty and methods for learning and data mining

     O Empirical Studies and Applications

        * Comparison of representation and inferential adequacy of
             different calculi
        * Empirical validation of methods for planning, learning, and diagnosis
        * Experience with knowledge-acquisition methods
        * Experimental studies of inference strategies
        * Methodologies for problem modeling
        * Nature and performance of architectures for real-time reasoning
        * Uncertain reasoning in embedded, situated systems

    For papers focused on applications in specific domains, we suggest that
    the following issues be addressed in the submission:

      O Why was it necessary to represent uncertainty in your domain?
      O What are the distinguishing properties of the domain and problem?
      O Why did you decide to use your particular uncertainty formalism?
      O Which practical procedure did you follow to build the application?
      O What theoretical problems, if any, did you encounter?
      O What practical problems did you encounter?
      O Did users/clients of your system find the results useful?
      O Did your system lead to improvements in decision quality?
      O What approaches were effective (ineffective) in your domain?
      O What methods were used to validate the effectiveness of the system?

    Submission Information

    UAI-2000 requires electronic submission of papers and abstracts. Papers should
    be submitted through the UAI-2000 Conference Management page supported
    by Microsoft Research. It can be found at:


    If authors have special circumstances that prevent electronic submission,
    arrangements can be made directly with the program chairs below. Papers are due
    by February 17, 2000 (11:59PM PST). Electronic abstracts are due before final
    papers, by February 11, 2000 (11:59PM PST). Please be sure to submit abstracts
    on time.

    Important Deadlines:

    The deadline for electronic submissions to UAI-2000 is Thursday, February 17,
    2000. Other important dates:

      O Electronic Submission of Abstracts (200 Word Limit): Friday,
        February 11, 2000 (11:59PM PST)
      O Electronic Submission of Full Papers: Thursday, February 17, 2000
        (11:59PM PST)
      O Author Notification of Accepted Papers: Sunday, April 9, 2000
      O Camera-ready Copy of Accepted Papers due: Tuesday, May 9, 2000
      O Workshops and Tutorials: Friday, June 30, 1999
      O Technical Program: Saturday, July 1 - Monday, July 3

    Submission Requirements

    Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished
    work. Papers should not be under review for presentation in any other
    conference; however, an extended version of the paper may be under review for
    publication in a scientific journal. Submitted papers will be carefully
    evaluated on the basis of originality, significance, technical soundness, and
    clarity of exposition. Papers may be accepted for presentation in plenary or
    poster sessions. All accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of the
    Sixteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, published by
    Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. We are currently negotiating with the publishers
    the possible production of a CD-ROM with the proceedings of both UAI-2000 and

    An outstanding student paper will be selected for special distinction at
    UAI-2000. Please see the Instructions for Certifying Student Status at
    the UAI-2000 Web page.

    Authors are strongly encouraged to submit papers in the proceedings format.
    Submitted papers must be no more than eight pages in proceedings format,
    including figures and bibliography (about 5600 words). Accepted papers will be
    alloted eight pages in the conference proceedings, with two additional pages
    available for a fee. Please see the Instructions for Preparing Camera-Ready
    Copy at


    for format information and access to style files. The format is identical to
    that used for recent UAI conferences; see


    Conference Organization

    Please direct general inquiries to the General Conference Chair at
    klaskey@gmu.edu. Inquiries about the conference program and submission
    requirements should be directed to the Program Co-Chairs at

    General Conference Chair:

    Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
    Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
    George Mason University
    Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

    Phone:  +1 (703) 993-1644
    Fax: +1 (703) 993-1521
    E-mail: klaskey@gmu.edu

    Program Co-chairs:

    Craig Boutilier Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, ON M5S 3H5 CANADA --- Phone: +1 (416) 946-5714 Fax: +1 (416) 978-1455 E-mail: cebly@cs.toronto.edu

    Moises Goldszmidt Peakstone Corporation 155A Moffett Park Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA --- Phone: +1 (408) 752-1024 Fax: +1 (408) 752-1040 E-mail: moises@cs.stanford.edu

    Program Committee Area Chairs

    Didier Dubois, IRIT Bruce D'Ambrosio, Oregon State University Nir Friedman, Hebrew University Danny Geiger, Technion Peter Haddawy, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee David Heckerman, Microsoft Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Finn Jensen, Aalborg University Daphne Koller, Stanford University Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, IIIA David Poole, University of British Columbia Ross Shachter, Stanford University Prakash Shenoy, University of Kansas Michael Wellman, University of Michigan

    Program Committee

    John Mark Agosta Russell Almond Fahiem Bacchus Salem Benferhat Philippe Besnard Concha Bielza Jim Blythe Ronen Brafman Jack Breese Piero Bonissone Wray Buntine Urszula Chajewska Max Chickering Greg Cooper Adnan Darwiche Javier Diez Marek Druzdzel Kazuo Ezawa Bob Fung Hector Geffner Robert Goldman Lluis Godo Russ Greiner Joseph Halpern Othar Hansson Milos Hauskrecht Tommy Jaakola Frank Jensen Mike Jordan Leslie Kaelbling Mike Kearns Uffe Kjaerulff Rudolf Kruse Henry Kyburg Jerome Lang Michael Littman Anders Madsen Chris Meek Serafin Moral Eric Neufeld Andrew Ng Ann Nicholson Kristian Olesen Ron Parr Simon Parsons Gabriella Pasi David Pennock Mark Peot Avi Pfeffer Kim Leung Poh Henri Prade Thomas Richardson Alessandro Saffiotti Bart Selman Solomon Eyal Shimony Yoram Singer Satinder Singh Philippe Smets Peter Spirtes Milan Studeny Jaap Suermondt Moshe Tennenholtz Bo Thiesson Enric Trillas Linda van der Gaag Michael Wong Nevin Zhang

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