[UAI] Research fellowships

From: Giuseppina Gini (gini@elet.polimi.it)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 09:31:42 PST

  • Next message: Peter Tillers: "[UAI] Cardozo/New York City Symposium on AI & Judicial Proof--April 30, 2000"

    The positions offered can be of interest to people in this list.
                                                            - Giuseppina Gini



    Applications are invited from young researchers with an interest in joining
    a four-year (2000-2003) EU network project aimed at the development of
    models to predict toxicity, starting Spring 2000.
    The network consists of laboratories (see the list below) working in
    toxicology, computational chemistry and computer science.
    Grants are available to work in one of the seven laboratories of the Network.
    Grant will be from 1650 to 4320 Euro/month, depending on qualification,
    experience and location. Pre-doc positions are compatible with PhD studies.
    Post-doc positions require that the candidate holds (or is near to obtain)
    a PhD.

    Interested candidates should send an application (including CV, summary of
    research interests and preferred location) to:
    Dr Emilio Benfenati
    Head, Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
    Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri"
    Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Milano, Italy
    Tel: +39-02-39014420 Fax: +39-02-39001916
    e-mail: benfenati@irfmn.mnegri.it

    Network Title: Intelligent Modelling Algorithms for the General Evaluation
    of TOXicities (IMAGETOX)

    The Co-ordinator: Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri",
    Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Milan, Italy

    Contact person:
    Dr Emilio Benfenati (benfenati@irfmn.mnegri.it)

    The Members

    - Dr. M. Cronin, Liverpool John Moores University, School of Pharmacy and
    Chemistry, United Kingdom (m.t.cronin@livjm.ac.uk)

    - Prof. J. Hermens, Utrecht University, Research Institute of Toxicology,
    Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, The Netherlands (j.hermens@ritox.vet.uu.nl)

    - Prof. G. Gini, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e
    Informazione, Milano, Italy (gini@elet.polimi.it)

    - Dr. M. Vracko, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    - Prof. G. Schüürmann, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig,
    Germany (gs@uoe.ufz.de)

    - Prof. M. Karelson, University of Tartu, Department of Chemistry, Estonia

    Conditions for EU grants

    The researcher must be 35 years old or less at the time of his appointment
    (allowances are possible for special cases).

    The researcher must be a holder of a doctoral degree or of a degree in an
    appropriate subject in Science or Engineering.

    The appointment will be for a fixed-term.

    The applicant must be a national of a Member State of the European
    Community or of an Associated State or have resided in the European
    Community for at least five years prior to his appointment.

    The applicant must choose a Centre located in a state different from his
    national state and he must not have carried out his activities in that
    state for more than 12 of the 24 months prior to his appointment.

    Research Program

    The present project aims to improve the power of models for toxicity
    prediction. It will take advantage of the recent advances in computer
    science (such as multivariate analysis, neural networks, expert systems,
    machine learning, and simulated annealing). Candidates in Computer Science
    are expected to work on Machine Learning and KDD and to develop theories
    and systems. These will be applied to the validation (verifying the
    robustness of reported models and new predictive ones) and development for
    real world applications.
    Different models will be developed for (eco)toxicology and for
    environmental fate prediction. For (eco)toxicology different species will
    be considered, as well as different mechanisms of toxic action. In
    environmental fate, partitioning between compartments in the environment
    and into biota will be studied, as well as degradation.

    - - - -
    Giuseppina C. Gini
        DEI, Politecnico di Milano
        piazza L. da Vinci 32, I-20133 MILANO
    fax: (+39) 02-2399.3411
    phone: (+39) 02-2399.3626
    e-mail: gini@elet.polimi.it
    member http://www.worldses.org

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