[UAI] Game and Decision-Theoretic Agents - CFP

From: piotr (piotr@huckle.uta.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 14:21:47 PST

  • Next message: Silvia Miksch: "[UAI] CFP: 5th IDAMAP-2000: Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Parmacology (IDAMAP-2000)"


                              CALL FOR PAPERS



    Over the last few years, game and decision theories has proved to be a
    powerful tool with which to understand interactions in systems
    composed of multiple autonomous artificial agents. It has been
    employed in the design of algorithms and strategies for interaction,
    coordination, communication, negotiation, coalition formation, fair
    voting techniques, market-based resource management systems, and
    industrial-scale information economies. More recently, decision theory
    has been adopted by a number of authors as a way of handling the
    uncertainty that rational agents inevitably face in any moderately
    complex environment.

    As a result, there seems to be much to gain from bringing together
    researchers interested in game theory and decision theory to present
    recent work on the application of these techniques in the construction
    of agent systems and to discuss the cross-over between the fields, and
    the Workshop on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents provides
    a forum in which to do this.

    This year the workshop will be held in conjunction with the
    International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS
    2000). It will
    take place on Friday 7th July in Boston, MA, USA.




    Papers are solicited dealing with, but not limited to, the
    following areas:

    * Descriptions of agent systems employing game theory or
    decision theory;

    * Empirical evaluations of agent systems employing game
    theory or
      decision theory;

    * Theoretical developments in game theory or decision theory
    applied to
      agent systems; and

    * Position statements about the use of game theory or
    decision theory in
      agent systems.

    Descriptions of deployed systems are particularly welcome,
    and we
    are especially interested in the use of non-standard
    variants of
    decision theory (including qualitative and logical


    * Simon Parsons (University of Liverpool)
    * Piotr Gmytrasiewicz (University of Texas at Arlington)


    * Klaus Fischer (DFKI)
    * Amy Greenwald (IBM Institute for Advanced Research)
    * Jeff Kephart (IBM Institute for Advanced Research)
    * Sarit Kraus (Bar-Ilan University)
    * Jeff Rosenchein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
    * Tuomas Sandholm (Washington University at St Louis)
    * Wynn Stirling (Brigham Young University)
    * Gerald Tesauro (IBM Watson Research Center)
    * Leon van der Torre (Free University of Amsterdam)
    * Russ Vane
    * Michael Wooldridge (University of Liverpool)
    * Fredrik Ygge


    Authors are invited to submit original papers of at most 15 pages
    standard LaTeX article style by e-mail to one of the email address
    below, using "GTDT00 Submission" as the subject line. Please submit
    the paper in postscript.

    There is no particular format for the submission, but the cover page
    should include title, authors, and the coordinates of the
    corresponding author. Authors should also indicate in the first page
    which of the thematic areas best describes the content of the paper
    (if none is appropriate, please give a set of keywords that best
    describe the topic of the paper).

    To be considered, submissions must be received no later than 17th
    March. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their papers by
    5th May.

    All accepted papers will appear in the working papers distributed at
    the workshop. The format guidelines for the final paper version will
    be announced later. Final camera-ready copies of accepted papers will
    be due by 2nd June.

    We also intend to published revised versions of the workshop

    papers, as a special issue of the Journal of Autonomous Agents and
    Multi-Agent Systems.


    * Submission of papers: 17th March 2000

    * Notification of acceptance: 5th May 2000

    * Final submissions: 2nd June 2000

    * Workshop: 7th July 2000


    Direct correspondence, inquiries and submissions relating to
    workshop should be addressed to:

    Simon Parsons, Department of Computer Science,
    Chadwick Building, University of Liverpool,
    Liverpool L69 7ZF, United Kingdom.
    Email: S.D.Parsons@csc.liv.ac.uk

    Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, CSE Department
    University of Texas at Arlington
    Arlington, TX 76019-0015
    Email: piotr@huckle.uta.edu

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