[UAI] CFP: 5th IDAMAP-2000: Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Parmacology (IDAMAP-2000)

From: Silvia Miksch (silvia@ifs.tuwien.ac.at)
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 20:18:31 PST

  • Next message: Jean Dezert: "[UAI] FUSION 2000 Conference: Submission Deadline is March 1st, 2000"

                       5th International Workshop

                       Berlin, Tuesday, August 22, 2000

                 A call for papers for the Workshop at
            14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

    Co-Chairs: Nada Lavrac (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
               Silvia Miksch (Vienna University of Technology)

    Important dates:

    - Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2000
    - Notification to Authors: May 18, 2000
    - Camera-ready papers: June 1, 2000


    General information:

    IDAMAP-2000, an ECAI-2000 workshop, will be held in Berlin on August
    22, 2000, immediately before the main ECAI-2000 conference, August
    23-25, 2000. The workshop will last one full day. To encourage
    interaction, the workshop will be kept small, preferably under 30
    active participants.

    This is the fifth international workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis
    in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP). The former IDAMAP Workshops
    were held in 1996 in Budapest, 1997 in Nagoya, 1998 in Brighton, and
    1999 in Washington DC.

    Workshop topics:

    The topic of the workshop are computational methods for intelligent
    data analysis in medicine and pharmacology that are able to exploit
    the additional expert knowledge of the problem domain. Expert
    physicians should be involved in the preparation of data for IDA
    processes (e.g., data representation, modeling, cleaning, selection,
    and transformation), as well as in the interpretation and exploitation
    of results and their (potential) impact on medical practice.

    * effective data mining techniques:
         inductive learning, clustering, etc.
    * temporal reasoning:
         applications of IDA in patient monitoring or bio-signal processing,
         interpretation of time-ordered data (derivation and revision of
            temporal trends and other forms of temporal data abstraction),
    * information visualization:
         visualization of medical data and visualization of IDA results,
    * case-based reasoning,
    * construction of decision models to support medical decision making,
    * discovery of new knowledge and trends,
    * pharmacodynamical modeling,
    * predicting drug activity, etc.

    Emphasis will also be given to solving of problems, which result from
    automated data collection in modern hospitals, such as analysis of
    computer-based patient records (CPR), data warehousing tools,
    alarming, effective and efficient monitoring, etc.

    The participants will be asked to address the following points:

    - what kind of knowledge they have used and/or extracted;
    - why they need to exploit the available prior knowledge in their problem;
    - how they have represented the available knowledge;
    - how they plan to use / have used the derived knowledge.

    Important dates:

    - Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2000
    - Notification to Authors: May 18, 2000
    - Camera-ready papers: June 1, 2000

    Paper submission:

    We invite submission of long and short papers, to be sent to the
    workshop chair Nada Lavrac. The length of long papers is max. 5000
    words (10 pages) and length of short papers is about 1500 words (3
    pages). Papers will be published in ECAI workshop notes.

    Electronic submissions are encouraged:
    - a gzip compressed PostScript
    - an electronic version of the title page in plain ASCII
    to be sent to
    Nada.Lavrac@ijs.si, cc: silvia@ifs.tuwien.ac.at, cc:

     Nada Lavrac
     J. Stefan Institute
     Jamova 39
     1000 Ljubljana
     phone: +386-61-1773272
     fax: +386-61-1251038, 219385
     email: Nada.Lavrac@ijs.si, cc: Branko.Kavsek@ijs.si

     Silvia Miksch
     Vienna University of Technology
     Institute of Software Technology (IFS)
     Favoritenstrasse 9-11 / 188
     A-1040 Vienna, Austria
     phone: +43-1-58801-18824
     phone-sec: +43-1-58801-18801
     fax: +43-1-58801-18899
     email: silvia@ifs.tuwien.ac.at

    Program committee:

       Sarabjot Anand, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
       Steen Andreassen, Aalborg University, Denmark
       Lars Asker, Stockholm University, Sweden
       Riccardo Bellazzi, University of Pavia, Italy
       Werner Horn, Austrian Research Institute for AI, Austria
       Elpida Keravnou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
       Cristiana Larizza, University of Pavia, Italy
       Nada Lavrac, J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia
       Xiaohui Liu, Birkbeck College, University of London, U.K.
       Silvia Miksch, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (co-chair)
       Christian Popow, University of Vienna, Austria
       Yuval Shahar, Stanford University, CA, USA (chair)
       Blaz Zupan, J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia

    Workshop registration:
    - Attendees at workshops must register also for the main ECAI conference.

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