[UAI] FUSION 2000 Conference: Submission Deadline is March 1st, 2000

From: Jean Dezert (dezert@onera.fr)
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 20:16:25 PST

  • Next message: Reimar Hofmann: "Re: [UAI] sigmoid belief nets"

    Dear Colleagues and Friends:

    Here is a reminder for next FUSION 2000 International Conference.


    You are cordially invited to submit papers describing advances,=20

    applications, and ideas in multi-source/multi-sensor information
    fusion, both theory and application to=20

    The 2000 International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2000)

    July 10th-13th, 2000=20

    The Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France

    Official web site : http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000

    All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and

    Rom, to be available at the Conference in July 2000.=20

    =46USION 2000 will be one of the most significant data/information

    events in the year 2000 and will offer a full range of fusion related
    technical sessions, keynote speeches,=20

    tutorials, exhibits, plenary talks and more.

    It is also our highest priority to make your stay in Paris a most

    and enjoyable one and we really hope that you will take this
    opportunity to=20

    visit one of the beautiful cities of the world ( http://www.paris.org

    http://www.paris-touristoffice.com). Please check frequently the
    official FUSION 2000 website for more=20


    I would be most grateful if you could distribute the appended

    announcement FUSION 2000 to your colleagues who might be interested.
    Any help in distributing this=20

    announcement would be most appreciated for the benefit of our
    scientific community.

    Kindest regards,

    On behalf of the FUSION 2000 Organizing Committee

    Dr. Jean Dezert

    NOTE: If you have already sent your paper or have already contacted
    =46USION2000 secretariat, please disregard this mail.

    PS : If you have no interest in this conference and would like your
    email address be removed from this mailing list, then

             please let me know.



                                                    CALL FOR PAPERS AND


                                                          of 3rd
    International Conference

    Information Fusion

    =46USION 2000

    Paris, France

    10th-13th, 2000

    <bold>Paper submission due : March 1st, 2000

    Register before the end of May, for special hotel room rates

    Register before May 15th, to save $60 on the full conference rate


    Visit our Web site at </bold>http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000 <bold> for
    complete information and on-line registration.


    1. Date : Monday 10th - Thursday 13 th, July 2000

    - --------

    2. Location : Paris, France

    - -----------

    The conference will be held in The Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie

    (http://www.cite-sciences.fr), Parc de la Villette in Paris. This

    is today one of the world's most extraordinary architectural,

    and cultural centers, the expression of a new age of superimposed and=20

    multifaceted spaces, places, knowledge and culture. The Cite des

    et de l'Industrie is Europe's largest center for science and technology

    is a key to discovering all the exciting new dimensions emerging today

    the world of science, technology and industry. Hotels and room

    information will be available on the official FUSION 2000 web site.

    is easily accessible by air (2 international airports), rail and road.

    Paris is very well served by a metro system and local buses so that

    renting is unnecessary

    3. Official web site : http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000

    - ------------------

    4. Scope and Topics :

    - ----------------------------


    =46USION 2000 provides a forum for the presentation of research and=20

    technological advances by scientists and engineers working in all

    of information and data fusion techniques and systems. The conference

    also feature invited sessions, keynote speeches and plenary talks.=20

    include, but are not limited to, the following:


     A. Theoretical and technical advances in information fusion

           A.1 Probability and statistics

           A.2 Fuzzy sets

           A.3 Possibility

           A.4 Evidential reasoning

           A.5 Random sets

           A.6 Neural networks and neuro-mimetic approaches

           A.7 Logic


     B. Algorithms and systems

           B.1 Multitarget multisensor tracking

           B.2 Target detection, recognition and classification

           B.3 Sensor registration

           B.4 Sensor fusion

           B.5 Image fusion

           B.6 Data Base fusion

           B.7 Regulation fusion

           B.8 Knowledge-based systems

           B.9 Data Association

           B.10 Data mining

           B.11 Information modeling and learning

           B.12 System design

           B.13 Architecture

           B.14 Integrated systems

           B.15 Distributed systems

           B.16 Resource management


     C. Applications=20

          C.1 Radar and communications

          C.2 Defense systems

          C.3 Robotics and control

          C.4 Vehicle navigation and guidance

          C.5 Surveillance and situation assessment

          C.6 Remote sensing and geoinformation

          C.7 Intelligence

          C.8 Decision-aid

          C.9 Medicine

          C.10 Diagnostics and fault detection

          C.11 Economy, business and finance

          C.12 Information systems

    5. Sponsorship

    - ---------------------

    =46USION 2000 Conference is mainly sponsored by :

      - ISIF : International Scociety of Information Fusion :
    http://www.inforfusion.org with partnership of EuroFusion

      - CNRS : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (associated
    with Orsay University, ENST Paris and IRISA Rennes) :

      - ONERA : French National Establishment for Arerospace Research :

      - Thomson-CSF Company : http://www.thomson-csf.com

    Eurofusion 2000 Conference, partially sponsored by ISIF, will not be
    held since FUSION 2000 is being held in Europe.

    6. Committees

    - --------------------

          6.1 - Executive Committee=20

    A. Appriou France

    Y. Bar-Shalom USA

    M. Bedworth UK

    C.Y. Chong USA

    B.V. Dasarathy USA

    M. Garnier France

    X.R. Li USA

    J.C. Rassou France

    P.K. Varshney USA

          6.2 - National Organizing Committee=20

    J. Dezert France

    J.P. Le Cadre France

    A. Nifle France

          6.3 - Technical Program Committee

    A. Appriou France

    A. Ayoun France

    G. Bienvenu France

    R. Bishop USA

    I. Bloch France=20

    J. Casar Spain

    J. Dezert France

    A. Farina Italy=20

    M. Farooq Canada

    C. Han China

    R. Kruse Germany

    J. P. Le Cadre France

    D. McMichael Australia

    S. Mori USA

    A. Namatame Japan

    J. O'Brien UK

    M. Prenat France

    R. Reynaud France

    E. Semerdjiev Bulgaria=20

    B. Solaiman France

    P. Svensson Sweden=20

    P. Willett USA

    T. Windeatt UK

    7. Invited session, tutorials, and exhibition

    - ---------------------------------------

    Interested and qualified individuals are encouraged to participate as
    invited session chairs.

    Each invited session must have 4 to 6 paper presentations. The invited
    session chairs will be responsible=20

    in selecting the papers of their own session (in agreement with the
    Technical Program Committee Chairman).=20

    All accepted invited papers are expected to be presented at the

    Proposals to organize invited sessions should include the following

    - - name and address (+ E-mail) of proposer,=20

    - - title of session,=20

    - - a 100-word description of the topic of the session (E-mail
    submissions are preferred).=20

    Mail your proposal to Professor Roger Reynaud at :

    If you are also interested in giving free tutorial(s), please contact
    as soon as possible the secretariat=20

    of FUSION 2000 Conference (secretariat@fusion2000.ief.u-psud.fr).

    An exhibition is planned during the conference. Exhibits spaces have

    reserved to exhibitors who want to take the opportunity to present and

    promote their latest products during the conference. Any potential=20

    exhibitor interested to participate to FUSION 2000 exhibition must

    instructions which will be available soon at: http://

    Each exhibitor will have the opportunity to include a two-page
    description of their=20

    latest products in the conference proceedings (if submitted by May 15,

    8. Registration fees (including one year ISIF membership)

    - -----------------------------------------------------

            Before May 15th, 2000

            Full registration : US$ 290

            Student registration*: US$ 60

            Standard exhibition booth: US$ 200

            After May 15th, 2000

            Full registration : US$ 350

            Student registration*: US$ 80

            Standard exhibition booth: US$ 250

     * student ID justification required


    9. Submission instructions

    - -------------------------

    Prospective authors are invited to submit (electronic submission only)=20

    draft of their paper (<bold>with the topic number relative to their
    paper</bold> - see Scope and Topics Section no 4)=20

    to Professor Roger Reynaud at : submit@fusion2000.ief.u-psud.fr by the
    due date.

    Submission by Fax will NOT be considered. The draft and final paper

    follow either the LaTeX style or the MS word style provided on the=20

    conference web site and must be prepared as follows :


     Page 1 contains the paper topic (see section 4 above), paper title,
    authors and their affiliations, including=20

    the contact author's name and address, telephone number, fax number,
    and email address.

     Page 2 contains the abstract and keywords.

     Page 3 contains a short paragraph with the biographical details of
    each author.

     Starting from the page 4 is the full draft paper (single spaced text

    figures) containing the title of the paper, the abstract, key words,

    the body of the paper.


    The final camera-ready paper must have 6 to 8 pages (A4 format)

    the 3 first ones. Its electronic file type must be either ps
    (Postscript), pdf (Portable

    Document Format) or MS Word.


    Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and=20

    soundness. Each paper will be refereed by three researchers in the

    area. All accepted papers will be published in the conference

    and CD Rom, to be available at the Conference in July 2000. For

    informations about author kit and FUSION 2000 Conference, please visit

    web site at http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000.

    10. FUSION 2000 secretariat

    - ---------------------------------------


     FUSION 2000 Secretariat

     IEF Bat. 220, F91405 Orsay, Cedex, France


     Fax no: +33 1 69 15 40 00

     Email: secretariat@fusion2000.ief.u-psud.fr

    11. Deadlines

    - -------------------

    Expression of interest (see below): As soon as possible

    Submission of draft papers: March 1st, 2000

    Notification of acceptance to authors: April 15th, 2000

    Camera ready papers due: May 15th, 2000

    Conference: July 10-13th,

    12. FUSION 2000 Reply Form (online and/or email reply preferred)

    - --------------------------

     Please complete and return by email, fax or mail to the FUSION 2000=20

    secretariat ( secretariat@fusion2000.ief.u-psud.fr) :


     Name and title :=20


     Address :=20


     Phone :=20


     Fax :=20


     Email :=20



     Check one or several of the following boxes :


    O I plan to attend the FUSION 2000 Conference=20

    O I will submit a paper to the FUSION 2000 Conference

                Anticiped title and/or topic numbers :=20


    O I plan to participate to exhibition



    - ----------------------------------------------------------------

      Dr. Jean Dezert =20

      ONERA (French National Establishment for Aerospace Research) =20

      29 Av. de la Division Leclerc, 92320 Chatillon, France =20

      Tel: + 33 1 46 73 49 90 Fax : + 33 1 46 73 41 67 =20

      Email : dezert@onera.fr =20

      Web : http://www.onera.fr =20

      FUSION 2000 Conference web site : http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000

      Please, support the Keo project : http://www.keo.org

    - -----------------------------------------------------------------=20

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