[UAI] ICMAS-00 Trading Agents Competition Announcement

From: Peter Wurman (wurman@csc.ncsu.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 28 2000 - 20:22:08 PST

  • Next message: Rolf Engelbrecht: "[UAI] extended deadline: GMDS2000/MIE2000 Call for Papers and Invitation"

                    ICMAS-00 Trading Agent Competition
                              8 July 2000
                        Boston, Massachusetts, USA

    Trading in electronic markets is increasingly becoming both a commonplace
    economic activity and a topic of special interest within the AI, Electronic
    Commerce, and Multiagent Systems (MAS) research communities. Inspired by
    the success of competitions in various other AI realms, we announce the
    ICMAS-00 Trading Agent Competition, to be held in conjunction with a
    special purpose workshop at the Fourth International Conference on
    Multiagent Systems (ICMAS-00), in Boston in July 2000. This event is
    designed to spur research on common problems, promote definitions of
    benchmarks and standard problem descriptions, and showcase current

    The competition will pit software agents--developed by research groups,
    students, and others from all over the world--against each other in a
    challenging market game. The software agents will represent travel
    coordinators whose goal is to arrange travel packages for clients. These
    travel packages consist of flights, hotel rooms, and tickets to
    entertainment events, all of which the agents buy (and, in the case of event
    tickets, sell) in electronic auctions. The market game has been specially
    designed to present agents with difficult decision problems and admit a
    wide variety of potential bidding strategies.

    The competition will be hosted on a version of the Michigan Internet
    AuctionBot that has been outfitted with features to facilitate and control
    distributed market games. Software agents communicate with the AuctionBot
    via a TCP-based agent programming interface. Simple example agents are
    available in a variety of platforms and programming languages.

    The final round of the competition will be held at the ICMAS-00 TAC workshop on
    8 July 2000. Preliminary rounds may be necessary. We anticipate the
    following schedule for contest related events:

        15 April 2000 Entrants registration (intent to participate) due.
        17 June 2000 Preliminary rounds begin, if necessary.
         7 July 2000 TAC contest and workshop, Boston MA.

    More information can be found at http://tac.eecs.umich.edu/

    We encourage you to circulate this announcement to anyone who may be
    interested in participating. Questions may be directed to

       -- Pete

    Peter Wurman wurman@csc.ncsu.edu
    Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University

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